
WHICH world??

The problem is, if we had a businessman, folks would be saying “that’s what happens when you elect a business-major intellectual lightweight rather than someone educated in international relations, law and government policy”

because no developed nation would have given ethiopians a visa on such short notice. However now they probably cannot send him back home at least if he chooses to stay in brasil since he may be hurt upon his return. And his family now has a justification to apply for refugee status.

Kind of ironic that his impersonal, unnatural approach to dating is being mocked by a woman who uses ... she probably tracks her dates in a similar way, just mentally instead of on a sheet. Wouldn’t you mentally note all the same information if you’re using a dating site/app to meet various people?

Baseball’s drug testing isn’t as murky as you portray it. The passage you cite ostensibly alludes to HGH testing, where players are tested base on a given baseline. Your levels of HGH should not change once you reach adulthood, certainly not if you are a professionally athlete who sticks to a training routine...

Doesn’t sound like they are actually doing anything objectionable. Foreigners dont want to come to the event because they are busy training. Americans get a dress rehearsal for their routines. Not so outrageous.

Sex stuff. IRL heterosexual men don’t offer other heterosexual men whom they do not know free drugs unless sex with that man’s partner is also involved.

Niners fan here, been waiting for this article forever!

Cook, videographer, waiter, comedian... i see a theme emerging

The reasons are pretty clear to everyone... pretending you don’t understand why this is cheating doesn’t make it not cheating

Exactly! and when a person’s definition of “fun” is getting better results without making the same sacrifice as everyone else, by finding a workaround, that individual is a cheater... people willing to use add-ons and hacks will rise to the top of the game, making it impossible for people who don’t want to cheat to

So mental illness really isn’t embarassing and shouldn’t be stigmatized?
If you were on a date and the person told you that they were bipolar, you seriously wouldn’t bail with extreme prejudice?

It comes off as trite and forced

some moar:

Those are only her us supreme court cases. She probably had practiced for a decade or two before her first one. That said, appellate cases are easy to cherry pick... the appelee wins something like 80% of the time

if anything, the inefficiency is not charging actual market prices for the water. In CA priority users can sell their share for a huge profit while public utilities only charge enough to cover their operating costs.

Filing in NYC isn’t gamesmanship, or venue shopping, because that’s actually the most proper venue.

Even if the investigation is completed, you can’t get the record, only the name/address of the arrestee for journalistic purposes. Third page probably contains the name of the victim but they should have just redacted it instead of withholding. The police report is just a factual narrative which shouldn’t really fall

I shot heroin almost daily for about a year and then decided to stop. No rehab, no methadone. Didn’t ruin my life, just made day to day shit more difficult. I’ve done it once or twice since then but it kind of lost it’s appeal. People who get seriously addicted to cocaine, alcohol etc don’t come crying to the world

Is attraction at such an early age just a product of socialization? Can you really have sexual attraction (not just crushes) if you are pre-pubescent?