
so someone can publicly admit to being a maoist and get loved instead of flamed? is it now an endearing quality?

No... there was no way the Cavs were taking this series. All Lebron did was keep his team from getting swept.

Yeah he’s an asshole, but with regards to his mayorship he has the right ideas. I lived in Sac for a while and he would like to make it into an actual city instead of a big suburb with the state capitol sitting in the middle. People who have a problem with that shot down the strong mayor initiative and are still

Have you considered that there’s just not enough demand for black widow dolls? Or are you arguing that more people should agree with you? And how’s about a spoiler alert?

Lol at guy who trashes mike Tyson as hipster icon and then posts hipster music vid. Why are people sending you their journalism questions? Don’t they know that’s not what you are

First, these soccer fields are in an area zoned for office parks which is stupid. Second, not sure they are used by youth as much as grown ass Mexicans. Third, I’m fairly sure the niners paid for them to be built so this will be a happy windfall for Santa Clara

Its pretty obvious why she is still with him and why she won’t talk to media... Now that they are married, she needs him to earn some money. She has paid and continues to pay her dues by staying with him. You might think ones safety or dignity is worth more than money... But damn it’s a lot of money.

Some folks will do anything to keep their hands warm.

so is lumbersexual now a polite euphamism for hipster trash?

Even assuming average human growth did decline after the advent of agriculture, your still draw the false conclusion that this resulted from gluten. In fact agriculture lead to the advent of human civilization precisely because it provides the nutrition to support large population growth.

fuck that guy and his square ass ginger daughter. boring predictable show for senior citizens

Even beautiful species of animals can be pests when they overpopulate the environment. E.g., Canada geese; hunting is so heavily regulated by treaty that authorities have to cull them.

whenever I hear dudes say "first off, its never okay to hit a woman" the NEXT THING that comes out of their mouths is usually a statement about how the woman is partially to blame. Nothing different here

I think YOU missed his point... his references to self control and higher power are describing how he would feel if a woman in his family were beaten by a man (towards the man, not the woman). Overall, he seems to be saying

Also a very roundabout way of saying her husband cheats...

Scotus at science > you at writing.

or she could be sweaty and gross because she's a fat cow and it's summer in the northern hemisphere

So Nike cuts their sponsored athletes pay when they get an injury caused by shitty nike shoes?

and in the obverse, the rape scene seems as if they are trying to convince the audience to feel sorry for Cersei

It's easy to say we can "demand responsibility" but these are grown adults and they can live how they choose. Who will pay the thousands in legal fees to get this guy involuntarily committed or declared incompetent? Who will pay for his residential mental health treatment? Shit ain't cheap so unless you want to