... so he left it and hoped for the best.
... so he left it and hoped for the best.
What’s with people buying a car and not having it titled in their name. I know it was a friend who sold him the car but still.
That car was a TOTAL loss before any truck showed up to run it over. It was also almost certainly only on liability. Who fully covers a $3000 car? No one. So they guy completely lost out due to the hurricane. The br0-trucks were just pouring salt into the wound. There is no insurance payout on this car. the…
With the update, it is now “Already Totaled Car That Was Sold But The Title Wasn’t Transferred/Taxes Weren’t Paid On Ran Over by Truck”.
The article is trying too hard here. But “Already Totaled Car Ran Over by Truck” doesn’t have as much nuance.
It was a shitty thin to do, but anyone arguing that car wasn’t already fucked is out of their mind.
If you bought the car several months ago and it is still registered under your friend’s name, you don’t give a crap about that car.
How about fuck both parties in this situation? The dumbass owner for leaving his shit in the path of an oncoming storm, and the dipshit with a truck for running over it.
Move along. There is nothing to see here. This happens all the time.
I know I’m supposed to be outraged. It’s easy to hate on a douchebag in a lifted truck. Everyone hates them. But the car was a total loss and would never driven again. It would have immediately rusted into dust after being dug out, and there isn’t a single salvageable part after being submerged in salt water and sand.…
Apparently it wasn’t really his car anyway. So now, because he never retitled it, his buddy will have to do the leg work/salvage work (paying to remove it from the beach) as the titled owner had no insurance on said vehicle. Douch bag owner who was too cheap/lazy or not supposed to own a car (dui?) Now screwed over…
Neither comprehensive nor collision coverage is legally required in any US state I’ve lived in- only liability is.
Unpopular opinion: Its completely filled with sand and saltwater up to the doors and below the high tide line so its completely fucked. There is no saving it and the backhoe that may eventually come dig it out is not going to be gentle to try and preserve it. Adding a squished roof to its problems is kinda irrelevant.
I’d say by the before pic with it half buried in sand and salt water that the car was already a total loss before it was run over by a truck.
I’ve never had this rule. I went to the Taco Bell drive-thru (and my bowels survived) last weekend in the R8. Food can be cleaned if anything should happen.
It’s not outrageous, though, either. You don’t know that the car was only in for an oil change (or that the dealership doesn’t have a “checklist” they go through on every car). Driving it down the road on your lunch break to see if you can identify some vague noise or sound that a customer complains out happens every…
I’m not a fan of the high speeds on public roads, but I completely agree with what you’re saying. I had to have my differential replaced in my car last year. I happened to watch the dashcam footage after I picked it up and observed the tech spiritedly driving and taking hard turns through the adjacent, empty parking…
totally normal. if this was me getting caught when i was a tech, my service manager probably would have slapped me on the shoulder and said “thank you for taking it on a road test. did you get me a burger?”
You’re not going to notice your 09 Impala in traffic. It’s a common car that no one cares about.
I work in the service department at a dealership and we drive every single car that comes through. As part of our service we wash and vacuum the vehicle at the car wash down the street. I know the owner thinks they “caught” the employee doing something outrageous but really they just caught them doing their job.