
Body in white cars. Never get a vin. A body in white is essentially a bare shell painted white. All manufactures do this. They are made to be used as Test cars. Race cars. Concept cars. Show cars, and in Porsches case sometimes to be sold to RUF to be built into a RUF car with a RUF vin

For the most part they just cars. But theres a few in the mix that were older and rarer and getting harder to find. That being said as another commenter pointer out. Anything special was saved. Most of these cars supposedly had issues.

Wow. Great article kinda short. Wish there was more comtent. Mayb coulda added another couple chapters.

Why. Probably because they want to cash in. Lawsuits man damn law folk in suits.

Ill never understand the mentality that just because something is a certain way for one person it must mean its the same for everyone.

Automatic CP for being too new.

Really? A 4 year old car. Come on Rob your better then this.

Sand bag wasnt left of the track dummy. Its was off course. And dumbass rider shoulda stayed home if he can’t stay on course.

Dumbass shoulda stayed home then.

Yea. I dont get it about the IMS. I worked at a porsche shop for 2 years. Most ot the cars that came through were 996s and 986s and only once did I ever have a car with a IMS issue. Literally hundreds of cars if not a 1000 came through there in the time I was there. It was a high profile porsche shop in Dallas, and a

Its not valued higher because its a mitsubishi and they are horrible cars.

Favorite line in the whole movie.

I have to admit. Thought yall were gonna bash and hate on this movie. U have restored my faith in Jalopnik again for now.

Ok Buddy did not win daytona. Must have been another race.

Why is that a shitty comment. They all should be fired.

And didnt Buddy win the Daytona 500?

People from Iran dont like us because they are brainwashed by their government and imprisoned in their own country. Also who fuckin cares if Iran doesnt like us.

Just goes to show you probably have your head in the clouds and think too highly of yourself.

Wow u are a dumbass. Did u come up with that conclusion on your own? Probably expalins a lot about you.

1979 Trans Am for 1 winter in Minnesota as a senior in highschool. Bought the car the previous year. Restored it. Drove it in winter. The following summer it burned it. Wasnt too bad to drive except when it snowed. I could be the first car at a green light and the light would turn red again before I got through