Skank skank skank skank skank skank
Skank skank skank skank skank skank
I definitely know what Im doing here. And definitely a slut/ skank / whore / gold digger. / pos human being
Definitely a skank. Probably a slut as well. Or just someone who needs attention.
He didnt do anything wrong.
Clearly you are a dumbass and have no idea what is going on with this case
U will never be whole. And probably never were with that mentality
You should be turned into a pancake to rid the world of you stupidity.
Yea. I totally agreee. But Jolopnik is filled with a bunch of dumb ass social justice wizards
There is a huge difference. But your probably do dumb to understand
Another read it was abandoned on the beach when the trans went out. And the guy left it there cause he didnt have the money to tow it home. This was a week before the hurricane. And he didnt have it registered in his name and he didnt have insurance. And it was a total loss due to flood damage.And good ridence to this…
This is totally diffent from a house. A house or building is on private property with items that may be salvaged. This car was abandoned on a public beach by someone who wasnt even the registered owner and with no insurance and a broken trans a week before the storm. You comparing apples to cherrys. But hey they are…
This car wasnt in someones back yard. It was abandoned on a beach with a broken transmission a week before the storm by a person who wasnt the resistered owner and who supposedly didnt have insurance on it. You comparing apples to pinapples. But hey they are both fruit.
Apparently it wasnt his either since it broke down was untitled un registerd. And abandoned a week before the storm
It was broken down , abandoned and flood totaled. Not private property anymore at that point.
It was broken and abandoned. And better off this way
How do we know that. We only saw pics of car aftwr water receded. Probably was fully submerged at one time
Or to try and dry it out and sell it to some unsuspecting person
Liability is mandatory.
There is nothing to decide. It was a total loss. Before the roof damage. But im guessing he had liability only insurance which means he could of at least attempted to fix. But could of sold it to some unsuspecting person later who would have no idea it bured in sand and salt water. Its probably best it happend this…