
Alternate ending: you have all day Sunday to browse the lot and check out the cars with no sales droids chasing you around.

I replaced a windshield on one of these a few years back. Glass guy said he was lucky to find a replacement windshield at all, and if the back glass ever breaks there’s nothing he could do for me...

The big question is whether it has ABS. I bought a NA MR2 that looked just like this one as a gift for my goddaughter and went out to test drive it after some repairs. Went into a left turn lane, hit the brakes on damp pavement, slid for a good 50 feet, managed not to go into incoming traffic, and discovered that some

Every grocery store should shut its doors and allow curbside order pickup only. My gf works in HR for a national chain. The CDC had to come disinfect the pharmacy at our local store a couple weeks ago after a pharmacist caught covid and now one of their order pickers (yes, for online orders) has it too. Everyone who

During the last financial crisis (10-ish years ago) my ex bought a 5 bedroom ranch for $40k in the Atlanta suburbs. 1960s house that had been added on to, sitting on a half acre. It was a foreclosure of course.

Exactly. I used to rush to pay my cars off and/or buy with cash until I realized that I was pouring capital down a depreciating hole. Now I’m happy to stretch payments out as far as possible so I can direct more money toward investments. Why pay the bank more sooner when I can pay myself first? At ultra low loan rates,

Is this... Like... A real goodbye? And just from FK or regular K too? I scrolled down here to point out that FK is gonna be awful hungry without a food source mentioned, but everyone's all serious as if this is goodbye?

Social media is a broadcast medium for idiots and almost nothing more.

Don’t forget Knowing. That was probably at least part of the inspiration for this.

After your plan is implemented, all banks will need bailouts immediately. They will have zero income from loans (no incoming cash flow at all), but will have to be ready to pay out withdrawals and maintain full staff to keep their business operating. Anything less would create a panic and a run on the banks, and a

I enjoyed all 3 of these and still enjoy re-watching them. Elysium has held up the best for me because of the pretty space station visuals.

When the coronavirus crisis is over, Joan should MOVE. We have (had?) a great LGBTQ scene here in Atlanta and a reasonable cost of living. Plus a growing economy and a bazillion restaurants. Assuming (hoping?) that things eventually return to normal, there is no reason to keep grinding out a desperate life in San Fran

This would help weed out the profiteers, but it would leave us stuck with people whose life goal is ‘career politician’. That’s frightening.

You’ve gotta be kidding. This would be the dumbest insider trade ever to leave 99% of her portfolio exposed. Plus it assumes that Republicans were actually able to conceptualize risks before huge market losses made it real for them.

This whole thing is nonsense. Information about coronavirus is and has been public. I debated selling every day in January as I watched it progress via CNN, Bloomberg, Forbes, and other news outlets. I finally sold half my holdings in February because it was obvious to anyone with a brain and internet or TV access

I hate that I missed that part of her announcement.

Give it time. After a few months stuck at home we’ll be desperate for ANYTHING to ease the boredom.

Solo was a bad movie. But Solo was also a fun movie. Mid pack in terms of Star Wars film quality...

Every time I visit NYC it’s like going to a prison. Concrete as far as the eye can see, people and animals peeing (or worse) on the sidewalk as I try to walk by, no green space except for special areas, cops everywhere, and everyone is confined to a tiny box to live in. Oh and it’s super expensive which means many

Or... The healthy people wind up living in a UN flotilla in the middle of the ocean. Real life is getting more like World War Z every day...