
From the “failed” title I was hoping this was on BAT for like $30k and I could start having silly daydreams about a RWD Lambo track car.. Darn. Gorgeous car.

That car will cost more, yes. But the others will cost less because the options will be manufactured in greater quantity at lower unit cost, and assembly becomes more standardized. That alone probably won’t make this profitable, but when you start adding subscriptions to the mix, the money rolls in the door. Soon it

Also bad news for young actors trying to break into the industry 200 years from now, when Hollywood is still using the likeness of Arnold for every action flick because they don’t have to pay him anymore.

Um... The apocalypse is definitely coming. Deepfakes will destroy everything and everyone they target. Even if individuals survive being targeted, proliferation of deepfakes could essentially function as a DDOS attack on society. People could become overwhelmed and unable to understand what is true in the world.

Isn’t virtue signaling when someone does or says something to project a positive image of themselves, but people who are actually virtuous see through it because it’s not genuine?

Ok, I’ll bite. Why is Northern Virginia a sin? (I’m expecting to agree and/or laugh once I get the joke, but I need some help.)

By ‘get ahead of the competition’, do you mean ‘get behind Tesla’? Or perhaps ‘get into the game before Ford steals the market with the Mustang Mach E?’

Holy limp dicks, Batman! At least with such a huge sack attached to it, owners can claim that they're shifting into Big Ballin' mode when they park.

Yup. But if it ever becomes real I could totally daily a used one several years from now.

I seriously thought this article was going to be about the ugly taillights on the new C8 Corvette and Camaro...

Or just rent a storage unit and write the costs off as a business expense, since hoarding and disassembling vehicles is your vocation.

I wish we lived in a world where there were no adversaries rapidly growing and improving their military capabilities, which our country and others will need to counterbalance. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. For more information, a new book titled The Dragons and the Snakes is very informative. I just finished

Wait, cars can explode in real life? I thought that only works in Fallout.

When you can't defend your own BS, attack the person calling you out. Standard procedure for people faking it until they make it...

Great username.

You forgot the worst brakes on any modern vehicle ever. I almost overshot the turn to the dealer on a test drive. Narrowly avoided going into a ditch by doing a full leg press on the brake pedal. I'll never drive one of these deathtraps again.

This is the first GoPro footage I’ve ever seen that seemed “fast”. For me, watching most footage (including most racing coverage, most movies, and even my own track day videos) somehow makes everything seem slow. At first I thought this was pointless and boring, but once things got moving I was captivated. No idea

Those are a perfect upgrade for the S2000. I'm guessing they work well here too.

G37 for me, I want the back seats. Problem is that the toyobaru cars are lighter and the steering is incredible. The Nissans are heavier and you can feel it in every corner. I want power and lightness, which just ain't happening.

Hey look at this really cool trailer we found for a movie that you'll never see!