
Writing is a solitary, grueling grind that only authors understand. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. GRRM invented one of the best fantasy series in human history and spent years on it. Millions of people have enjoyed the results of his work and the TV adaptation. I’m not sure why you’re so angry with him after

Thousands and thousands of people, if not millions, work for the airlines and their partners and suppliers. Bailing out the companies means those people will have jobs to return to, just like the auto workers who currently work for auto companies that got bailed out. Further, the last bailouts were done as loans, so

So much more what? Plowing understeer? Snap oversteer? Camaro stunt double (from behind)?

The moms in my neighborhood held their regular weekend block party during the week. 10 adults drinking while 20 kids run around screaming. Normally I think this is awesome. Right now I’m just wondering what will happen to all of them.

Imagine having a wife with an E30.

Nothing tongue in cheek over here. Been doing this for a decade now. Just bring the laptop into the garage and wear a bluetooth headset. Muting when you’re not talking (and not wrenching while talking) is the key so nobody hears anything amiss. I average 40-60 Skype meetings per week and people love to hear themselves

Wow I love this song! Such a great beat.

Does this use CPU or GPU for calculations? My 12 GPU (2 CPU) Ethereum mining rig is sitting idle...

My cousins played that game with me once, and my gf was very unhappy about not being invited. Said cousins won't be invited to my wedding at all, though I might invite their spouses (only).

Please stop teasing us and tell us what that beast is like to drive! Haha. Also, did you happen to park it next to a C8 to compare the side scoop designs?

Never mind the Lexus (which is a great car).

Right to Repair is focused on repairing vehicles, not modifying them. His point, which went well above your altitude, was that manufacturers are lying when they claim that owners shouldn’t have the ability to repair their own vehicles because it could lead to modifications.

Wow. I never paid attention to the ship classes. Woulda guessed that Pillar Of Autumn and Forward Unto Dawn were similar sizes. Woulda been wrong.

Dang it, I was much happier before you pointed that out to me...

Quality time with my Xbox. I can't wait!

ESO is beautiful and I love exploring, but FOMO? I don’t mean any disrespect and I’m happy that you enjoy it so much, but to me it’s “walk 20 paces and button mash to kill whatever is waiting to kill me, then walk 20 more paces and mash buttons again because monsters are positioned every 20 feet across the entire map..

That quote is gold.

Entertainment, my dude.

Wwasn't that the premise of one of the Predator movies? Soldiers waking up on another world and fighting Predators? (Who are rather large but perhaps not giant.) I loved that flick and the premise was just fine. 

I’m with Tebow. I love the Transformers movies and just rewatched the 3rd one a few days ago. Bay doing Monster Hunters would be a great fit.