
People have the same misunderstanding about the mortgage deduction. Always thinking that giving the bank a dollar of interest payments to get 20 cents back from uncle Sam in reduced taxes is somehow a good thing.

Does it overheat on track above 87 degrees? I’ve been looking into trading my base Stingray for a C7 Z06 or Z51 and have been surprised to find that even the Z51s would overheat after a few hard laps, and owners have been told to manually short shift the automatics to reduce heat caused by high rpm. If I were you, I

I’ve had that same thought! Give them a travel budget and send them out into the world to find the end. Will they go east-west? Or north-south? Do they trust public transportation or demand to captain their own seafaring ship to make sure nobody is just taking them in circles? How do they navigate? Do they trust maps

You were expected to plan dates? Like, all of them? And they resulted in boring sex? Ouch.

In Georgia there used to be common law marriage where you automatically became married if you did too many things indicating that you were married. Meanwhile next door in North Carolina it’s illegal to cohabitate?

I’m confused about whether a social stigma actually exists and/or how to detect it. I’ve eaten alone thousands of times over the past 20 years and it’s gloriously relaxing to get my own table. I usually bring my laptop to get work done and nobody bats an eye whether I’m at Zaxbys or a fine steakhouse. And I usually

Hey, c’mon now, someone has to make all the weekly status updates and scorecards and slides to feed the execs. If nobody does, they get curious and start bothering employees, distracting them from doing actual work. Sometimes you need a program manager to generate financial reports too because execs think they can

They already are. My last laptop was a HP i7, 16GB RAM, 15" 4K screen, m.2 SSD for $900. Booted up from totally off to login in 3 seconds. Fastest / nicest PC I’ve ever owned and these phones are already more expensive.

But is this really yellow? It’s a rather dark shade. The linked post features a car that is a much lighter yellow. Which one is truly yellow? And how can we be sure?

Piper in Fallout 4. Sweet, earnest, hilarious and never without something to remark on.

Clearly you’ve never owned an S2000. My first convertible top was replaced under warranty. I patched and glued the second top just like this one for years. I spent a weekend installing the 3rd top just so I could sell the car. There should have been a recall on these cars for the tops splitting. If you won’t buy a car

This thing must be astoundingly loud. Helmet + earplugs might not be enough... Slap a turbo on it and now we're talking. (Somewhat quieter and a whole lot faster.) Those motors handle boost very well.

I’m not sure it’s Jalopnik’s fault that a Finnish study had these findings. Are we really surprised that dudebro asshats prefer flashy, fast cars? Or that people looking for flashy, fast cars only have a few brands to choose from in order to achieve their status display goals? This is just psychologists figuring out

I need to try that. Someone keeps double parking their non-M BMW x-something SUV at work and our security team has done nothing about it despite my protests. This would be ok if it was a valuable or rare car, but a normal mid tier SUV? Nonsense.

You were cool and appreciated fast cars when there were few to choose from. Then you got married and also owned a second car for the family.

Buy a Corvette. Everyone gets super excited to find out that you have one, they all want rides, and there's no lack of speed.

It would be nice to invoice said sites for their unauthorized data usage so that people who like comments aren't on the hook for data overages caused by videos. 

That gif is glorious. 

Same here but we're in the greys so nobody will ever know...

I built a stealth camp and hid it in the mountains where no other players go. Nobody has bothered it ever since. I have everything I need and the other players cause me no problems now.