
All y’all need a different commute. I mod all my cars to add grip, and I use that grip daily. Never saw a roundabout that didn’t put a smile on my face. I usually add power mods too, though that gets used less frequently. Still worth every penny though, being able to accelerate hard in those rare moments that it’s

On a track, it would be prudent to first experience what the systems do and then reduce or disable them as needed to learn better car control. For example, my C5 tended to lose rear grip in a specific corner at Road America. Stability control would intervene. Turning it off would allow me to enjoy catching the car myse

There is nothing that sucks about these cars. They are mind blowing track missiles. During a track day at Road America, one dropped out of warp to appear behind my Corvette coming out of a corner, shot past me like I was in reverse, and then engaged warp drive again to disappear into the future, never to be seen (by

4th gear: this sounds like a good thing for workers. Not just back at their jobs, but OT which hopefully helps get lost wages back in their pockets. Bummer that it's mandatory though..

This seems like it gives the US more reason to ban Chinese technology products. It also seems similar to existing US rules about not using tech from non-allies for government purposes.

Back in the 90s I got a subscription to C&D and it felt like being royalty. I still have it, and MT and R&T now too. Phones and tablets are great for many things, but they are not better than print for these magazines.

Probably a fair analogy. Enthusiasts are different. Personally I can’t wait for all the cars to be fast thanks to electric drivetrains. I won’t buy a Miata now because slow is boring. (I’ve driven many and they are all, to me, boring.) When an electric Miata with Corvette acceleration is sitting next to the slow gas

It looks well made. It looks enjoyable. I’m sure I’ll see it at some point. But it doesn’t look exciting. There’s no plot, no antagonist, no sense of urgency. Just a guy deciding to join the party already going on around him.

I loved the original and still find myself humming the title song and remembering scenes. It was iconic, groundbreaking, and really awesome. But I loved the new one too. It was fun and really funny, with a great cast and Chris Hemsworth’s best acting. He stole many scenes. They’re different movies and both are great.

Oh man I forgot about the library scene. It was so perfectly done. Seemed so innocent and harmless at first, yet still so holy-crap-it’s-real... And then it attacks and scares us to death! Such a great setup. And then the escape outside is such a relief and so funny too. Perfect balance of horror and humor. (Which

Whoa. I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving. Best of luck in your future endeavors!

That sounds awfully nice. What kind of work do you do, and how do you find clients?

I wonder how much value physical media adds by being a physical thing that people can see in a store and buy. If I go to Best Buy, it's usually to go check out the games and see what's on the shelf. There's got to be some demand created by kids begging parents for games they see at Target or Walmart. Sure, all of us

Or maybe he did, and we don’t know because it’s not our business, and it doesn’t matter because his property purchases have nothing to do with his understanding of climate change.

That seems to be the problem. However, instead of challenging that rather bizarre logic directly, our resident grey miner is disputing whether a piece of property is being purchased. They seem certain that nothing is happening because documented evidence has not been found yet.

Actually, having spent a fair amount of time in OBGYN offices recently, there are quite a few reasons to choose between different forms of birth control. This may not be important for everyone, but it matters a lot to people with specific medical situations.

Couldn’t this same thing happen with many other types of drugs? Are there studies already to measure the impact of other drugs on the brain, or is birth control the first to be looked at?

Great points. Casino Royale is by far my favorite Bond movie. After that, Quantum fell flat, Skyfall started strong and then went to some nonsense home defense in the middle of nowhere, and Spectre... All I can say is, those were the least exciting 30mph car chases I’ve ever watched.  Spectre had all the right pieces

I loved all of the MCU movies except Endgame. A greatest-hits compilation of old movies with no new characters and a weak gentle Spock-Hulk is a nice way to end things but it sure was not new or exciting or interesting. My favorite part was when they showed Thanos figuring it out because at least that was new plot for

The audience excitement is part of the fun for me. I enjoyed being part of something that had emotional impact on the crowd. Toward the end when the portals opened and everyone came out, a guy in the theater stood up and yelled,"Wakanda forever!" and it was awesome.