
Or find a buddy with a welder, grind off the rusted parts, weld up a new frame, start driving. For his purposes, this should suffice. 

OMG what was that from? I remember being totally freaked out as a kid.

As with all things Eve, a careful reading is required to understand what's going on. The politics are amazing. 

Holy crap. I came here for pics of that sexy gorgeous wagon you’re driving and found my eyes glued to the screen as you described your near death experience. I’m so glad you survived!

What a beautiful way to describe it!  You’re making me want to go see it.

Better, yes. Faster and cheaper and more fun than trying stuff to see if it works, maybe not.

I would be ecstatic to own either. Both are monsters, just from different eras.

My $5K used Honda bike sits next to my $10k used C5 FRC track car. Guess which one gets taken out of the garage for weekends and errands, and came to the office today for fun roundabout hooning activities, while the other one has a dead battery due to not being used in months? Putting on all the safety equipment and

I fit the Harley demographic and I am still very apprehensive about entering their stores because of the culture and the salespeople. Maybe I need a tinfoil hat so they can't read my progressive thoughts?

Remember Scion? Toyota was smart enough to create a sub-brand that younglings would gravitate toward, and eventually folded it into the parent brand once the vehicles were established. Harley should do the same thing, or just quietly buy Zero and grow it while the main H-D brand withers and dies.

Serious question, what is that? I'm guessing Lambo or Audi.

I think it's more like "putting aside the impact of vehicle emissions on the planet"

And because the Ram handles so well. I remember renting one a decade ago while my S2000 was in the shop and being surprised at how well it drove.

It is amazing but in a weekend toy kind of way. For a DD, I lean toward a used Mustang GT plus factory supercharger for 700hp at much lower cost.

Does the planet care how we reduce emissions? Would the world be better off if those things hadn't occurred?

I don’t think that’s the case for many of us. Wait till the electric Vette hits the market and watch us go nuts for ~P100D Ludicrous acceleration. The discussion will quickly turn to when we’ll be able to get a similar drivetrain in a used brown manual wagon. (Or at least a used Mustang.)

Let’s hope so...

That makes you the smartest person here.

I totally agree and buy my cars this way. But there are exceptions where a dealer might have a new car deeply discounted with better loan rates, making the total cost the same or better. (Aside from that, buying new is nuts.)

Excellent point. I’ve also lately decided that I need to slow the flow of money from my wallet into depreciating assets. Partly to put the difference into appreciating assets, and partly to delay me noticing that I’ve built up enough equity that more expensive car XYZ is now within reach with just a small incremental