
Are you me? Or am I you? Either way you're doing it right. 

Reading this warms my heart. It’s awesome that you’re enjoying your vehicle fully; I wish more people would. Mine get a serious workout every day and it’s the best part of my day.

Is there some arbitrary vehicle weight above which nobody should try to have fun? It honestly seems like you don’t understand these vehicles. They’re amazing, and yes, even in corners. If they were cheaper I’d probably own one.

They are amazingly capable vehicles in every way.

My best friends have an X5M. They needed something fast that can fit two rear facing baby seats without reducing front occupant space, and that works for home depot runs. Wagons are not their thing. I'm worried that it's faster than my Stingray but we've never tried to find out. Truly an amazing vehicle.

He honestly seems surprised that people don’t think harmful comments toward others are funny anymore.

If this movie is as nonsensical and random as his comments, it’s going to be a train wreck. I’m afraid to see it until at least the first week’s reviews are in. The trailers looked interesting at first and now they are starting to look pointless. All buildup and no payoff.

Actually it was ok and now I want to watch it again..

What killed the transmission? Did you launch it or track it?

I have so many questions! I’ve been considering one of these for a while now instead of supercharging my Stingray. How well does the R35 handle? I like to go into tight roundabouts fast and throw the car around hard. How are the brakes? Does it like to stop or do you have to force it to slow down? And how is NVH for a

Market forces at work. The best companies bought out or beat the weaker ones and rose to dominate a challenging industry.

Which is faster: your BMW race car, or the Durango, loaded with tools, hauling the race car? My money’s on the Dodge.

Brilliant idea. (Seriously- I'd suggest patenting this and licensing it to Uber.)

How exactly is an employer supposed to find out that an employee is jacking off? Is there some new masturbation-during-work-hours detection technology? Asking for a friend.

Walking is better for people in good health with lots of free time. Lots of people don’t have those luxuries. And once all vehicles are electric & powered by renewable sources, the only things buses will do better is reduce costs and congestion - in exchange for delays, inconvenience, and inflexible routes. Cars are

Don’t forget the wheel arches required to cover those gorgeous extra wide wheels. Suspension is nowhere close to stock geometry and tire sizes are wider.

That blue and those wheels... I'm in love.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. 20 years from now we'll all look back and remember that Burning Man wasn't always located outside Area 51.  (And we'll acknowledge that it's so much better since they moved it there.)

Exactly. These will depreciate hard for the first few years.

I don't understand why Ford didn't crank the boost, add another 100hp, and make it the best Mustang ever. Then I'd be all over this.