
Don't forget 5. Fugly!!

If VW made an electric Golf or Jetta we’d be all over it, but this just looks like a ripoff of the i3 & Prius from a styling standpoint. I suspect America has already reached max capacity for fugly slow ‘green’ sedans with the i3, Prius, and Leaf. Tesla and Porsche have figured out that people want style with their

I honestly don’t get what’s going on at Nissan. Why don’t they know what they’re paying their executives? And why is this such a problem for the execs instead of for the people writing the checks? Seems like HR or payroll or the comp committee should be getting the heat.

I rented a Sentra last month and the CVT wasn’t bad. A bit unique, but not a problem. I could daily that transmission without concern. The dead squirrels trying to make enough power to get up hills sure were struggling though.

Touristenfahrten. Really. That's the actual word. Well at least now I know that the 'ring accepts flatulent foreigners.

And when a small percentage of those parts fail inside the inverters in a small percentage of millions of cars, it’s going to be very interesting to see if anyone but the dealer can repair it.

Every Corvette since the C5 has had loose rocking seats and GM has done nothing. My Stingray driver’s seat shakes me around like a paint mixer. Meanwhile Ford is taking action for a few trucks? Jeez, now I have to reorient my brand quality perceptions.

I find Hyundai’s evolution to be amazing. From total crap cars in the 90s to design ripoffs in the 00s to honestly stylish in the 10s... If they keep evolving they'll be leading automotive styling trends in the next decade. This concept isn't my thing but I love that they made it.

* With much higher quality, at a huge profit 

Best rear end of any mid engine car this decade. This car might be the best looking Lambo yet.

Probably because watching amateurs do something you can participate in is more fun than watching a pro with factory backing do it a bit better. Same reason why college football is more interesting than the NFL - it’s unpredictable and the folks who went there feel like they were part of it.

I want so badly to like this car. It has some cool details and is probably my best choice for a fun, fast, modern sports car. But it just looks like a melted candy bar. Didn’t everyone already give Porsche enough crap for having runny egg headlights? Someone brings a black one to Caffeine and Octane each month and

OMG thank you for the pics! I'm in love.

Nonsense. Traffic isn't infinite. If adding a lane causes more people to use a road, that reduces traffic elsewhere in the system. My city used to resist synchronizing lights because they didn't want more people to drive through the area on the way to work. So we all suffered for years until it finally happened and

My neighbor had four of them. Lucky if one was running because of those dang injectors...

As a former FI’d S2K owner, I’d suggest buying a Vette instead. More grip, better handling, more power. Plus interior room and transmission options.

I honestly don’t get what Mazda is thinking. They should make a Skyactiv RX-Vision and get over the rotary thing. Call it SX-9 or whatever. Just take my money...

The NSX went upmarket to compete with the 911. The Corvette went mid engine to take the NSX's place. The Supra came back to be this generation's Vette. Now we just need a new RX-7. I guess that honor goes to the Alfa 4c? It's the only lightweight sports car left with real power. (Miata is too slow to be the answer,

And R&T ran a C7 Z06 in 11.5 @ 124.

I see it the opposite way. Very few cars could turn or brake to avoid a collision 20-30 years ago. You’re right that drivers may be unable to react at higher speeds, but at least today’s cars can do something useful in an emergency. Most cars from back then were deathtraps - just lock the brakes and lose control and