
So very true. I remember being blown away when the F430 went into the 11's. Now GM is teaching us how much weight distribution impacts 1/4 mile. The C8 has 30hp more than my C7 Stingray, but beats it by more than 1 second. The LT2 isn’t that much of an improvement over the LT1.

If only the Teslas came with a speedometer so the driver could see how fast they’re going without having to turn their head to look in the middle of the dash.  And if only they were beautiful sports cars instead of ugly sedans... I wish that amazing powertrain was in a better car.

I don’t recall Z06 motors trickling anywhere besides Camaros and Cadillacs. If Cadillac has its own engine and the Camaro is dead, would they really use it elsewhere?

Those are some serious shark feet.

Ok seriously what else have the Russians invented that we don’t know about? This is almost as awesome as the Sherp.

A Tesla with a battery pack that dies every 30k miles would definitely be better with a V8. Just like a RX-8 with a reliable turbo four would be better than a RX-8 with a dead engine every 30k miles.

I cannot imagine having lengthy political debates in the workplace. My bosses would shut that down hard because it's a waste of time and can alienate my coworkers. Welcome to the corporate world, Google.

Every time someone of another race doesn’t provide her prompt, attentive service in a restaurant, my gf gets very angry and calls them racist. (Not to their face, but to me. It’s exhausting.)

The more I read, the more I learn about horrible things done in the past to disadvantage people in this country. But with that said, if we limit the discussion to just transportation, there is no clear easy answer. Public transportation is the most efficient way to move lots of people from point A to B. Walking and

I read that dang article Jalopnik posted long ago and actually did it. I found a dead 2004 RX-8 for $1,200 on Craigslist, had it towed to my house, pulled the motor, brought it to the guy in TN that rebuilds them, watched him take the block apart, picked used parts off his shelves, waited a month and picked up the