It went mainstream. Sideways was the death knell among the hipsters of the world, but the people who created the demand for merlot that Sideways was joking about didn't ever watch that movie.
It went mainstream. Sideways was the death knell among the hipsters of the world, but the people who created the demand for merlot that Sideways was joking about didn't ever watch that movie.
Hey, there's no reason to dump on those who are totally abstaining!
I, too, am going only by anecdote, but it seems to me that we are getting MORE uptight about alcohol during pregnancy. My grandmother was told drinking wine was fine, and their main concern was women drinking calories instead of eating too much to avoid getting fat; (!!!) my mother was told it was fine in small…
Found out I was pregnant, freaked out because I had been eating sushi and drinking cosmos like it was my job (hi cravings!). Told my doctor and he said "Meh, just don't do it anymore, you'll be fine and so will your baby."
Is there any evidence of FAS rates going up, though? The CDC data show that alcohol use among women (pregnant or not) has held pretty steady, and is down among pregnant women (after a high in the mid 90s (note: the chart shows reported alcohol use from 1991-2005, and is from the CDC page linked above)).
I'm very close to someone with FAS too, and it really sucks. However, there's no evidence that a VERY moderate drinking (like this article says, one drink per week) causes any problems whatsoever. There is, however, boatloads of evidence that excessive drinking leads to problems. They publish stuff like this because…
Thank you for your concern (I have not and will not), but the point of my comment was not to have concern trolls gang up on me.
I don't think that comparing Canada's issues with native children and FAS vs having a few glasses of wine during your pregnancy is the same thing. FAS in native peoples is highly linked to the poverty and lack of education in these communities. I lived in Winnipeg for a few years and there are definitely programs…
I always sort of love when people gasp in horror when a pregnant woman drinks a glass of wine, but then think nothing of pounding down really unhealthy processed food. Don't get me wrong—I ate 2 breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin' the other day. I'm not saying you're horrible if you eat junk food when you're pregnant…
Is that serious? Because every piece of media I've ever seen about pregnant drinking is "YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON IF YOU HAVE EVEN ONE DRINK." Personally, I find articles like this refreshing - I don't assume they mean that every pregnant woman is going to run out and start hitting the bars. Just that the shaming…
Not buying it. I doubt one glass of wine a week does anything, but make you wish you could drink more. So they happened to find a bunch of healthy, smart, probably finanically secure women who happen to have a glass of wine a week at one of their healthy dinners and the kids turned out OK. Meh.
Phil Robertson is free to say what he wants and sell what he wants. And we're also free to say what we want about how he's a backwards hate filled jackass as well as media whore.
This is going to sound weird, and MOM DON'T READ THIS!
But I think the best thing my Mom did for me when I was younger was to be open with her natural body. She has stretch marks, she has sagging, she didn't shave anything but her legs and armpits, and only when she was going to be showing them. And she was…
Wow. I can't imagine why so many people hated this book. I mean, it is implausible, sure. But the hate regarding Amy's stereotypical badness as a woman just seems silly. There's the crap MRA's spew about "birches be tripping'" and there's Amy. Full on sociopath. Nick is a narcissist, Amy's parents are typical…
If you loved the book but hated the ending, you really oughta read her earlier two books: Dark Places and Sharp Objects. Dark and addictive, just how I like things. :)
I found it extremely compelling and hard to put down. But the end was the shittles. That said, no one in that book was lovable. Both Dunnes sucked. I don't see the wife as any worse than her husband.
I'm sorry, but can't there be a book with a foul female character sometimes?
Can Phil Robertson cut that stupid beard and go back to playing golf in his polo shirts and kakis like he did before the show? Now that he has made a bloody fortune hamming it up as a fake backwoods redneck, maybe he wants to stop pretending he lives in a shack and eats squirrels. He can just retreat to the…'s okay for businesses to restrict the medication their employees have access to but it's bad for businesses to discipline their employees for bigotry?
Fundamentalist Christians: We don't care about biblical views on crustaceans,bacon, cotton-poly blend clothing, working on Saturday, or that "the root of all evil is the love of money". But be careful where you insert that dick, cuz Deus le veult.