
My epidural failed, too! I was trying for natural, then had to get pitocin, then it was so intense and sudden that I begged for an epidural. I'm still curious how epidurals end up going somewhere else in the body.

I thought my "my epidural didn't work!" story was bad, but holy shit, I cannot imagine what you went through. Goddam.

Yeah, that's waht I got from it: we are supposed to feel uncomfortable and realize that this is going to end badly. I thought the "white savior" thing was on purpose and we are now going to see her totally eff it up. But I could be wrong.

Yeah, that's kind of pissing me off, too. Sex is a legitimate field of study and a legitimate thing to help people navigate. Obviously, being on a reality show might make one question your legitimacy, but the job itself is legit.


For me, it was because I loved the show, but was dissapointed in how the female characters were given almost no characterization beyond wife, prostitute, dead girl, and mistress. I wanted the female characters to be as full and interesting as Rust and Marty were. So I'm not particularly concerned with "strong female

Ditto. I'm in the mental health field, and half of the professionals I know, from counselors to psychiatrists, have tattoos. I think this guy doesn't get out much.

LOL, grandpa, calm your concern trolling. I have two MA degrees and large, visible tattoos, which have never stopped me from getting jobs. I think you might be living in the fifties. Tattoos are pretty mainstream nowadays.

The first trimester is really tough: hang in there and realize it's OK to not work out for a few days or even weeks while it gets under control a bit. I had to take a rest for a while but was back to some exercise (though reduced, the larger and heavier I got) soon after.

I was coming just to say this. Please do not turn the site into something as annoying and shitty as Upworthy, ugh.

Yeah, I'm actually in a psych program with mindfulness as a focus, and all of this is true. I really hate the idea of mindfulness as some sexy trend, but I hope we can separate the branding from the actual thing itself. And the idea of mindfulness as a "new trend" is kind of hilarious; it's kinda a central part of

Humor. This piece is humor. I doubt we are supposed to actually follow these tips. This is humor. Humor.

Love Samantha Irby!

Yes! I agree so much. It teaches kids that what other people want is way more important than their own comfort, and that is a terrible, terrible lesson. I think people underestimate how much these ideas get internalized.

Frankly, I kinda love this idea; I don't think kids should be forced to kiss or hug relatives. I think we tech kids too much that they need to be polite at the expense of their own physical comfort and consent.

It's less the femininity that gives me pause than the hideousness.

You are totally right; it's the armholes. And I, too, can't wear this type of arm. I think having larger, fleshier arms (mind are kinda like Lena's) also makes this type of cut seem really sausagey and ill fitting.

This is a great post!

Man, I think you're wrong on that. Everybody I know here in CO who smokes got a medical cards. It's easier to go to an awesome shop & get a lot of selection instead of tracking down some skeevy dude to buy dubious weed from. And now that you don't even need a card, I can't imagine anyone going the illegal route. I

Man, when I was living in rural Oklahoma, the rapture was pretty much accepted as fact. I think the Southern Baptist Convention & charismatic churches believe this, and those were some of the only choices (aside from Mormon).