
We have 60 water bottles. We have 90 lids. Only 2 of those lids out of the 90 match a water bottle. I am not allowed to get rid of the rest, because “just in case”. I have to wash the same water bottles and lids every day. I live in fear of when one of those three lids magically transforms into a different kind of

That’s terrific. I mean, I love it. It’s good to know, that if a gay couple walks into a bakery, and orders a wedding cake, that these brave, brave Americans will support their right to “Just be proud to be wearing the gay attire, pins, stickers, hats that we have; that we live in a great country; that we have the

What the... yes, actually, every single citizen has the right to protest. It’s the entire point of the Constitution. It’s the Boston Massacre. The Boston Tea Party. And, yes, that includes the right to protest political rallies. You have the right to a political rally, but you have to recognize that people that

I think she falls into the long-lost-in-the-wilderness category "Rockefeller Republican". In other words, what the folks who've seized control of my dad's GOP now lump in with liberals.

Agreed - I think she falls into the long-lost-in-the-wilderness category "Rockefeller Republican". In other words, what the folks who've seized control of my dad's GOP now lump in with liberals. What ever happened to the moderates in this country?

You're funny... Wait - you're serious? Wow....

What's up with the fighting between X, Y, Z, etc (Z.2?) Can we all just agree that the Boomers are a bunch of spoiled asshats who's parent's over sheltered them (I blame Dr. Spock for a lot of this), and who have spent their lives pursuing whatever feels good at the moment and to hell with the future (ie, all of us)?

"Patriots? More like people who like to kill the British - like the Real IRA. And they killed a bunch of kids. If you support the Patriots, you support child killers."

At least we know how to spell...

The article wasn't clearly written. The cup of water is offered to the applicant, and then they see if the applicant has the courtesy to clean up after themselves after.

If it makes you feel any better, I laughed at what was clearly a sarcastic comment. And then, "The Internet Attacked". That's a movie, right? It feels like it should be a movie.

Anyways, you're funny, and a lot of people have sticks where they shouldn't be. So, you have that going for you.

GALost - what do you do for a living? And (more importantly) what do you _want_ to do?

If you don't want to limit it to just one city (ie, you're willing to move, or you simply want to cover a the surrounding area, as well), you could add in zip codes.
Here's how:
Go to http://www.zip-codes.com/zip-code-radiu…, and find the zip code closest to the middle of where you'll be living. That's your center.

This is great - on the road in a hotel room, completely miss the kids now. Fantastic to remember how much they change the first year (and, how fast it goes by...)