
Finally, someone who gets where I’m coming from. I’m hoping itmakes people think for a change before they act. It’s hard to know what to do or what law to enact. Trump, or any President for that matter has their hands full. You cannot please everyone, which is what I try to do most of the time. Discussion is good but

ABC, CBS, NBC. The Globe, Herald any paper of your choosing.

So how did he get elected?

Not me. Trying reading a paper or watching the news.

Not really? I ‘m on the fence.I’m not left or right. I’m just trying to make some sort of sense of this. It just doesn’t seem right that peolpe protesting Trump are also tearing up stores and overturning cars makes any sort of sense. It’s the same with the Sox winning or the Bruins or Patriots or any sports team.

Well, people and can still impeach him, then an all out riot will start dividing the country even more than it is now. The repubs should just roller over and give up letting Hillary walk in and take over. I’m sire that will make a lot of people happy. Unfortunately, it’s not as clear cut as all that. What will happen

I realize a lot of people were for Hillary, including GIZ staff . At least someone understands.

Just like everyone else in this country, we all have free rights. respect them or GTFO.

You do realize when someone comes in to this country illegally, its against the law. Try that in almost any other foreign country and you would either be shot or jailed and tortured. Undocumented workers... inhumane, I agree but something has to be done with all the drug dealers, and murderers. Whats the dead with

I agree with your assessment on how divided we are. And how violent we can get when we don’t get our way out of fear. I like this site because of all the different opinions on things I don’t think of. 

So, you’re ignoring the fact that lots of people are killed by illegals? Why would you want criminals, murders, and rapists ruining the way of life in the USA? I’m not saying all of them are bad, but the few who are, should be deported. Should be just get up and move to another country and let them have the US. and we

It amazes me how much power Trump actually has. He has the power to divide a country. The more poeple that protest, the more power they are giving him. At least that’s my take on it.

Well, the people have spoken and elected a new President. Some peoeple didn’t like Obama and he got in twice. A lot of people thought it was time for a change. And concerning what he wants to do about deporting illegals, I point out that Obama deported approximately 1.2 million illegals in his time in office as well.

I was just asking because it seems everyone is going a little to far. He’s the President know. Shouldn’t anyone thats elected in the highest office be given some degree of respect? I have no ulterior motive in this since I am not registered to vote. I didn’t like either candidate. And I am a white male born in this

How come no one got this riled up when they voted and actor into office? Namely, R. Reagan.

Not necessarily true, but I accept the counterpoint. So demolish the man before he even has a chance to lead orprove himself?

The man hasn’t even done anything yet! This all based on their fear of the unknown because they don’t know yet what he’s going to to do. Jumping to conclusions is probably the only exercise some government employees get.

Have a star for the Young Frankenstein reference.

The man hasn’t done one thing yet, hasn’t even got into the White House yet and your already condemning him like he just fouled up the planet and launched all nukes. What is it with you people? Of course if Hillary won, you’d be shoving in our face every change you got.