
That is brilliant! Why doesn’t car manufacturers in the US do this? I would pay for it.

I would drive that. And like it too. Wonder what the gas mileage is like? Most, if not all pick up’s in the US have miserable gas mileage.

Start a crazy ex’s story line...

Why, why , why does everyone think the world has come to an end? And don’t say it has, because if it was, I wouldn’t have to be in work now.

Hey all. You had your chance with Obama for 8 fricking years. Now its our turn. Deal with it. Plus, Tump hasn’t even done anything yet! Give them makn a chance to lead, although I know it wont change your opinions.

Jesus H. Christ on a cracker! Calm down people. The planet isn’t breaking apart. We are still here and we still have to go to work in the morning. You’d think we were all told we’re going to die tomrrow just because Trump won. Talk about etremism.

If you don’t like whom the American public voted for, them move. We don’t need you here. Move to Canada. You are essentailly calling the public idiots. Leave and don’t comeback, along with all the hollywood morons who also stated they woudl move to Canada if Trump was elected. Keep your promises hollywood stars. no

1974 Buick Riveria. My brother nicknamed it, M5. Was one of the first cars to have cuise control, if I remember correctly.

Has anyone given thought, that when you simply let the morons do what they want on the road you are actually encouraging their behavior?

Proof that if Obama didn’t totally wreck this country in 8 years, no one will.

Separated at birth?

Hey! Hillary...

Should have one of these

The Killer Shrews!

Try driving in the New England states. We get all kinds of weather.

Justice for Harambe!

Wouldn’t it be funny if this turned out to be an ISIS terrorist conspiracy? Creating chaos in different parts of America so we kill ourselves instead of them doing it?

I really, really couldn’t give a crap about the protestors. They get what they deserve. Instead of a peaceful protest, they use it as an excuse to loot and harm others. I agree with why they are protsting but not now they are doing it. It’s a disgrace. Don’t they realize this isn’t a race war? Why? Unlike other

I prefer this instead.