
This just makes me wish there was another series of Life’s Too Short.

He didn’t like the way Daenerys was written in that final series.

Josh Gad being confused by British TV quiz shows was my favourite thing of the year (I think he was over here filming second season of Avenue 5).

Columbo is endlessly repeated over here in UK and the Robert Vaughn one (where he actually was the murderer) was just this past Sunday.

Counterpoint: Diesel in Boiler Room is better than anything Johnson has done. Dwayne has been in way more successful franchise, but there’s something very deliberate about his movie choice “okay I’ll do this franchise for this fanbase and I’ll do this one for that fanbase”.

Holy counterpoint Batman!

The Edgar Wright stuff is very odd. Back in the pre-Iron Man days apparently Edgar suggested linking their films and effectively create what we know as MCU. Supposedly the original plan was to just do individual films based on the characters they still have the film rights to.

Harry Potter became “a thing” in my consciousness round about when the third book came out and people at work were going on about it. I bought those initial books and eventually got round to reading them, when I was visiting family in Barbados during Christmas 99/technically not the actual new Millennium.

London chicken shops running from A to Z

Now I like O’Shea Jackson Jr a lot, from his Twitter account he comes across a bit of a nerd and generally funny guy (he sure likes ripping Clippers fans). I just have a hard time believing that he could ever have been a NBA hopeful,

Only when I’m wearing a William Shatner mask.

For my sins, I preferred Daddy’s Game over H&W.

H&W is hands down the worst thing Farrell has done. No matter how bad those other films are, nothing will reach the nadir that was Holmes and Watson.

How did I miss that film when it came? I’m not even sure it’s made its way onto UK telly, weirdly.

Read that Variety guy’s spoiler tweet?

A well constructed and reasonable opinion.

Question: Are ABBA the biggest selling music act whose roots aren’t traced back to R&B?

Yeah it was basically reworked scripts from the  original Law & Order, tweaked to a UK setting. It was pretty good while it lasted.

Question - why are bangs called bangs, not a fringe like wot it’s called in UK?