
Who knew that I needed an egg pun joke to cheer me up today?

Somehow I still think the Academy will find a way to snub Glenn Close.

The fact she doesn’t have at least 2 Oscars already is a bit weird. In some parallel universe we’re complaining about that time double/triple Oscar winner Close got nominated that one time for 101 Dalmatians.

Yeah the end in nearly in sight. I’m keeping good, hope you are too.

Ah this would be from Matthew McConaughey’s ‘leaning in movie poster’ phase of his career.

Off topic: is Seth going bald? That’s some receding hairline there, he’s bordering on Ant McPartlin territory (ask your UK cousins).

I know this has no bearing on the article, but I guess I’m just superficial like that.

“I can’t see”

90 minutes is the sweat spot for film comedies, but I can see a case for a two hour film if done right.

The basement scene is exactly the moment I’m thinking when it comes to dull parts of the film. There’s a lot of funny in there, but it’s very uneven and in some instances unnecessary skits.

I love that analogy.

It’s still a crying shame that Marvel just dumped Eli Bradley and act like Patriot never existed. Especially as he’s basically the founder of Young Avengers.

I like Henry Cavill, but part of me feels he’s trying to be in too many franchises* - DCEU, he really wants to be Bond, The Witcher. That’s not counting Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Mission Impossible, which he only made one film of for varying reasons.

Bill Nighy’s range is brilliant. I mean he’s in the Underworld movies and coasts through Richard Curtis comedies. He pops up for five minutes in Hot Fuzz and his delivery of “you’re making us all look bad” is still stuck in my head some 14 years later.

I don’t mind that it was a trollish move by Bettany, it’s kinda funny. Also people over analysis stuff the Nth degree, folks were never gonna be satisfied even if it had turned out to be Fassbender, Pacino or Stewart.

I feel like this does a disservice to the great Batman ‘66 tv series, as the title fits perfectly for that show.

Kinda like Garry Marshall and Hector Elizondo. Yeah, they may be coming for Julia Roberts and Annie Hathaway, but they’re staying for Elizondo.

...and those actors played Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Flash, characters who the public knows about and cares about more than Cyborg, a character who only became part of the Justice League when Geoff Johns decided that he didn’t want John Stewart to be his Justice League’s Green Lantern, but

He was Mr Waverly in The Man from U.N.C.L.E., he was a bit iffy but not the bad guy.

I have fallen so far behind on The Flash, that I don’t think I know what last season’s overall arc was. The last episode I watched properly was part of the Crisis crossover, before that Sendhil Ramamurthy character has just started to become the big bad (or at least it seemed that way).

There will be internet rage, but that’s what folks do these days.

That’s good to hear. Being a comic book property shouldn’t count against her either, not after Watchmen’s success.