
I feel as though Zack takes his inspiration from the ‘gritty’ 80's graphic novels he read.

Giant sized Man-Thing is a comic that exists.

I’m holding out naive hope that he really is Pietro, but from another universe.

I guess I’m easily pleased then. I don’t think there is a distinction about what should be championed, people will never like all of the same sort of films. That just means certain things end up being considered “better” than others.

Yes, it’s entirely possible that Captain America: Civil War will open up some ten-year-old to the possibilities of the medium. It is literally possible for any movie to do this...with the right ten-year-old. It’s a good reason not to forbid a ten-year-old from watching a superhero movie. It’s not really a reason

Damn my typos, that should say

I can see what Scorsese is saying and to a certain degree he’s right, but he’s also wrong to dismiss something that that move him. Not ever big budget studio film or streaming service release isn’t without merit. Even the worst film in the world is still “cinema”, it’s just not very good.

And two... and here’s the one I really hope doesn’t get overlooked… Nexus… the vines/branches… we’re not getting Man-Thing are we? I don’t want to go all “Pepe Silvia” on this by any means, but that would be a pretty wild reveal, and might be why we never see Agnes/Agatha’s husband… could it be that he’s not

True, but I was still secretly hoping for GR 😀

Interesting, I hadn’t thought of it like that.

Well, I was wrong about Agnes not faking it at the border. But how did she know that Vision would come to see her there?

I think the apology was for the ‘amazing’ pun.

Including Herb who, if I recall, was a Frankenstein.

He’s not Pietro from Wanda’s universe, but he could still be pulled from the Multiverse. It doesn’t even have to be the X-Men one, just that he looks like Peter from that one.

Even allowing for the Sparky death, there will still be lots of Agatha fans.

Yep this week’s WV was three things in one. Modern Family style sitcom, Happy Endings title sequence and Office title music.

Granted Marvel stans keep saying this a lot, but I think the fly is meant to be Mephisto.

“Snoopers gonna snoop.

Even if we all suspected the character reveal from the beginning, it was still a fun plot twist.