
As long as we get Battlestar too.

The madbomb was sort of used as a plot line in Agent Carter. It would be interesting to see if MCU returned/rehashed that story.

We don’t talk about them.

Quicksilver and Namor should team up to become the Jerk Duo.

Yeah that scene totally played like a p!ssed off Monica being angry at Carol. Hopefully the threads of that will be expanded upon during the rest of this series or more likely Captain Marvel 2.

I would love for Dottie to be Enchantress, she’s been sorely missed from Thor films. I’m holding out hope that she might turn up in Love and Thunder.

Over the side of the Pond, BBC were still showing The Phil Silvers Show well into the 90's. It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that Sokovia broadcast really old US sitcoms ad fin on their tv stations.

That video is suspect, we only know a version of events that Hayward tells us. It’s not unlikely that we’re be shown selective clips to make Wanda look worse than she is.

Oh no it doesn’t bother me and being from certain audience demographic ‘my people’ are very prune to shouting at the screen when watching certain films. It was just felt weird that anyone would clap at the end of watching a movie, especially for an eco-blockbuster.

I think he did try to do “things” but was hamstrung by New Labour’s need to not p!ss off middle England. He waivered when he should have been bold (like not calling an election shortly after becoming PM).

The only time GB seemed to be on the front foot was after his mea culpa about “bigoted woman” meet and greet. I

Other big hits from that year—Spider-Man 2, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, The Day After Tomorrow—had entire sequences that were mostly computer-animated. Film storytelling had just taken a big leap forward, and audiences had embraced it.

In terms of memorable moments after opening credits, I mostly think of this one.

Quibi wasn’t inherently stupid, but being so rigid on how you could watch the platform certainly was.

A Bug’s Life made more money, and it’s a far better film.

Jason Isaacs is in everything, I think he has trouble saying no to stuff.

Season one is a bit of a drag, with an underwhelming villain and two equally underwhelming heroes (it’s very obvious who I’m referring to).

The wacky world of Marvel.

I’d like Dick Van Dyke, just for the synergy from the second episode.

Crisis of Infinite Pietros

The more we delve into the comic book history of these two, the weird it gets.