
I’ve seen the odd episode and enjoyed what I saw, Ben Elton returning to form after those godawful stage musicals.

Midsummer’s is probably the one I find funniest, weirdly due to seeing the Jimmy Cagney version as a kid (god bless the BBC and their random film choices).

Hey AV twin, I’m good. I hope all is good with you.

Haha I totally get what you mean. You can read something on the page and it’s dull as ditchwater, yet someone else thinks it’s going to be a masterpiece.

Haha, see this is why I will always think of Bryan Cranston as a comedy guy before thinking of him in Breaking Bad.

Ouch, that went straight through my heart.

He may well have invented all the comedy tropes, but none of his comedies were actually.....funny.

Not exactly a hot take, more the bitter feelings of English students forced to endure his great works. Which to be fair are great works.

They do seemed to have mixed their metaphors, real life Tom Hanks vs fictional Walter White.

Cheers, I wasn’t sure if was mentioned in the show or not. Vaguely remember reading something about the name being revealed, but wasn’t sure if I imagined that.

Anyway, now that the two sides of America’s pop culture dad paradigm—Tom Hanks on the light, Walter White on the dark—have chimed in on the issue,

Who’s Walter White? That’s goofy dad Hal from Malcom in the Middle.

We need a Muppets True Detective mini series to get to the bottom of Skeeter’s disappearance. I mean people only study overseas for so long, Scooter is hiding something and we need to know the truth!

Hey Mr Whedon don’t you have more important things to be doing with your time instead of posting on AV Club articles? 😛

I blame killing off Cordelia.

Pfft it’s no Stay Hungry.

Dammit “they’re” not “their”

.....vs Archie.

John Connor’s age in T2 really made no sense to me. It never came across clearly that he was meant to 10 in that film. Fun film, but trying to make sense of the timeline was a bit confusing.

True Lies, Twins, Commando and The Last Action Hero.

I hope not.

I guess it would have been too obvious to have Ryan Reynolds to voice Deadpool in this.