
Don’t forget Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones films.

Despite being hilariously white for a film set in an area of London famously associated with Afro Caribbeans (only Peckham or Brixton would have been more glaring), I love this film.

The main thing I took from the funny H&H was that “oh so that’s what press junkets are like”. Whenever I listen to Empire magazine or Wittertainment podcasts, it dawns on me that their interview is just one of dozens they have to sit through all day.

HGF has so many great lines and in jokes in it. Top class comedy.

“Is that your purse? That’s a nice purse.”

They are both great films, I think Trading Places has the winning hand with Jamie Lee ‘let’s just pause this VHS’ Curtis.

Even James Belushi gets to be funny in his underpants.

There’s a reason Jim Carrey mostly steered clear of doing sequels.

Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls is like Godfather Part II, when compared to Dumb and Dumber To.

Here’s hoping it’s more ‘The Color of Money’ and less ‘Dumb and Dumber To’.

Interesting list, is Love Story really that bad?

I think I prefer it too. It’s got a decent hook for why Axel is back in BH, I thought ‘ABC Murders’ inspired plot worked (this was before I’d seen Poirot) and the characters gelled with each other.

I get the order, just don’t rate that song at all. Anyhoo it’d be a very boring world if we all agreed on everything. That’s your list and I respect it.

Erm not sure what I posted merited that response. I wasn’t attacking you or anything. As you say I was agreeing with your general point, nothing more was implied.

(Not really) Hot take: Brosnan got better in each of his films, just as they got progressively worse.

While I wasn’t keen on the idea of a media mogul as the big bad, I sort of wished Patrick Stewart had played the part (as a random dream casting). Jonathan Pryce is fun in the role, but I never bought him as dangerous.

Octopussy is a legitimately a great Bond film, just with a too old Roger Moore (who I love generally). You can’t help but wonder how good this would have been with Timothy Dalton in the role, then following it with A View to a Kill.

You really rate that Madonna track number 1?!

Garbage’s song fails for me, because it misses the open goal of not having the line “You promised me the world...” anywhere in the lyrics.

“Dance into the fire!”