
One wonders how much better the Sasha Baron Cohen version would have been.

This scene is my go to reference for people who question Keanu’s acting ability (leaving aside good stuff he did Point Break, My Own Private Idaho).

It’s Street Fighter the Movie made competently. If the VFX weren’t so “90's” and the script had maybe taken some of the campy nature of SF, then I think it would have fit squarely in the middle of those fun 90's actions movies.

Fair point. Wunch isn’t a bad person, she just has a personal beef with Holt.

Hands down the funniest moment of either episode is Caleb luring Jake and Charles in only to then attempt to eat them.

Hmm I didn’t think the second episode was as good as the first one. After the various run throughs of Jake’s plan, I felt the episode wasn’t that funny.

Dread it, run from it, unemployment arrives all the same.

Fox’s New Mutants is the new Guns n Roses Chinese Democracy.

And farewell also to Sherloque, not the best Wells but not the worst. Do we get a new Wells next season, or just some of the older ones returning?

Chris Klein’s deep voice thing got sillier and sillier the more times Cicada showed up. While not that brilliant at least Cicada II was menacing.

These questions—and many others—will be answered in the next episode of...Soap.”

I’m assuming it’s just the rhyming thing, which is funny enough for me.

Yep the return of Sue was one of the best moments of the finale. Topped only by mention of Richard’s landslide re-election victory.

I’m guessing it’s some sort of zombie movie?

Richard is so pure, hopefully Washington didn’t/doesn’t break him.

You could almost make a case for saying that Richard didn’t fire Dan and that he did it on himself.

I’m gonna miss Tom Hanks, he truly was a beloved nice guy.

Sorry I neglected to mention the film I was referring to.

Very much missed Charlotte Coleman.

I would point folks towards Steve Coogans semi-referential spoof Three Fights, Two Weddings and a Funeral in which John Hannah does a great send up of his role in FWAAF (specifically the Auden speech).