
I don’t agree with the theory btw.

I think the theory is Pluto had swapped places with Jason before we first see the doppelgangers turn up.

Keanu has appeared in too many successful films and had a decently long career for someone “who can’t act”.

I love the original Secret Wars, it’s what got me into Marvel Comics. It may have been poor for other folks, but I loved the whole year long series.

That overseas figure is pretty low. Is that only counting the box office from here in UK? Where else did it open?

Well played!


With any luck there will be a decent write up for those two films in the “also released in 2018....” section.

Logan should have garnered more Oscar love (Jackman for Actor, Stewart for Supporting Actor, Cinematography (seriously, movies filmed in the west US can do no wrong there), and Picture).

Captain Marvel is fun and enjoyable, but I’ll agree with those that say there aren’t any stand out action scenes. That isn’t necessarily a problem for me, but I can see why it might underwhelm others.

The stupid thing was they didn’t need to rush things. That scene in BvS where Diana is watching the computer files of the various future JLA’ers that Lex was monitoring, seemed so stupid.

My main somewhat gripe with Feig’s Ghostbusters, was why rehash what had been done before instead of creating an original female superhero film.

Which seems a bit pointless when they have Steve fly off with the bombs to save cities from being destroyed.

I wouldn’t say Hidden Figures was bad at all. It’s fairly average, but not in a bad way.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s a bad film or anything, I just didn’t get what was so genre subverting about it. Scream reinvented horror films (however temporarily) moreso than Cabin in the Woods.

If he ever decides to go down that route, I think he’d be the perfect director for a Blade reboot.

Personally I thought BWP was one of the worst dullest horror movies I’ve ever seen. I’d be intrigued to know if this film was anything along those line.

I’ve stolen this for Twitter, because that’s what people do these days.

Generally I’d say replace the word mansplaining with patronizing. If the context still fits, then it’s appropriate.

To paraphrase Lisa Simpson “I know those words, but that sentence makes no sense”.