
Laney Boggs: I feel just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman... except for the whole hooker thing.

Yeah but those disco types weren’t all that into the gym.

Neither did I think I’d see the day when Captain Holt would quote a Wu Tang Clan song.....sorta.

May I recommend following MarvelDailyArt on Twitter, that account has just finished going through the Dark Phoenix Saga.

Fair point. Using Thanos as an example we barely knew much about why he wanted Infinity Gems and the Russos were able to get this across in one two hour.

What they did was great. I think it helped that each episode had a beginning and end, sort of in line with individual comic issues.

Using that as a guideline it could work, but we did also have the benefit of getting to know those characters over the previous two seasons. We’ve only known this Jean, Scott, Storm and

By and large I didn’t mind the Clone Saga. I kinda hated that Peter’s parents were robots sent by Norman Osborn to mess with him.

Has there really been that much marketing led hype for Endgame. Disney held off the trailer for longer than fans wanted and we’ve had an additional Superbowl tv spot.

This is fallout from Jim Shooter’s policy that Jean couldn’t be absolved of her murderous spree without pinning it on someone/something else.

Sorry it was a figurative “we all”.

As as when Marvel folds the X-Men (and Fantastic Four) into the MCU, I don’t think I can take yet another attempt at Dark Phoenix Saga.

As Dayraven mentions below, we don’t know are care much about this Jean Grey for the Dark Phoenix Saga to hold much weight. We don’t need (and can’t use) the Hellfire Club, but there’s still more story than one film can properly cover (IMO).

You can’t tell the Dark Phoenix Saga in one two hour film. Maybe it’s hindsight, but X-Men Apocalypse should have started the story and then continued/finished it in this one.

At least it frees us from disinterested Jennifer Lawrence, shame it means we can’t get underused Rebecca Romij.

What a blatant shameless cash grab.....I wish Sony were doing the same in Britain.

For all the flack she got for leaving 90210 (and latterly Charmed) I’ve always like Shannon Doherty. I’m up for any revival that includes her.

According to this Thandie’s role was meant to that brief, seems like she wanted to Star Wars regardless to have more people of colour within the saga. (which is great when all thing are considered).

Fair point, though I have my doubts about how much of the story Ron Howard changed.

Solo was a bad idea for Star Wars regardless of whatever version ended up on screen. Ron Howard may have been the safe pair of hands, but I can’t see Miller & Lord’s version being much better.

I know there is role for Close out there that will summon all of her talents and for a performance most deserving.