
“Stabbing? Why didn’t we think of this before?”

- Did Iris seriously bring her purse when infiltrating Cicada’s house?

Rachel McAdams was the best thing in the Guy Ritchie Sherlock films.

I think I get those analogies, but I’m missing either Adam West or Ben Affleck.

Wales is part of Britain, so I don’t think he’d have a problem.

Yeah this has been posted lots of times just on AVC. It’s always good to be reminded of those wacky Silver Age DC stories.

No Aquaman is a rip off of Namor Submariner.

Why was it important Lois? Why?

What’s the difference between acknowledging Marvel’s Nighthawk series and basically ripping it off? It’s somewhat annoying that Marvel will never be able to do a live action film of any of their versions of Squadron Supreme, I’d happily love to see Marvel’s black Batman on screen.

He could always host, I hear there’s an opening.

2 Ju 2 Manji

Please no more fanmail.

Looking back at her previous nominations I surprised she didn’t win for Garp, Fatal Attraction and possibly Dangerous Liaisons. She does that and then people are talking about her in the same revered way as Meryl Streep.

What’s wrong with ‘Bundy’?

Christopher Reeves removing his glasses and puffing up his chest is the greatest on screen portrayal of Clark Kent/Superman.

Superman should not be created for the audience, especially when the audience is so diverse and has so many different opinions, Superman should be a product of the new creative team and their vision.

I think an AVC rule needs to be in place that whenever there is an article on Law & Order (or loosely connected to it), someone has to post a link back to this Discuss thread.

Nevermind I found it.

Off topic-ish, does anyone have the link to the classic AVC comment thread that had a spoof edition of Law & Order.

also was it me or has Grant Gustin gotten taller?