
I’m sure Cisco still has some Killer Frost outfits lying around like last time. It’s totally not weird that he had a costume ready to use when Caitlin needed to impersonate Earth 2 Killer Frost.

Okay so sometime in the next 30 years schrap becomes a swear word? Either that or Iris is really fussy in the future.

Yeah Frank Castle was a soldier during Vietnam, so unless it’s a commentary on that conflict I would agree he killed innocents. Granted I’m not a big Punisher reader, so apologies if I’ve missed a story that covers this.

And yeah, Snyder should never have been let near another superhero movie after this.

Watchmen is okay, but I don’t get the big deal about it.

He’s doing perfectly fine.

I saw it this week Odeon Surrey Quays, it’s very good. On a scale of 1-10, I’d probably give it 8 (possibly 9 if I’m being generous).

I mean I get the comedy of embarrassment and I can see that Meredith was forever putting her foot in it, but it was very grating watching her be portrayed as some sort of gay bigot (okay mildly homo-insensitive) or such an awful fiance for golden boy Everett.

It’s gets very goofy when Pee Wee Herman takes over.

The Family Stone achieved the impossible in making me root for SJP. As nice and liberal as the Stone family appears to be, they are to various degrees awful (except Luke Wilson’s character).

The Viola Davis Affair.

Don’t worry it is not.

I’d say look up the wiki for the original British tv series, but that is a bit spoilery (even in regards to this film adaptation).

Who has the barest amount of dialogue. Seriously count how many words he says in the whole film.

That’s stone cold.

A pivotal plot moment that is in keeping with the ITV tv series, which I was glad about.

Quicksilver would be very limited in his own show, he’s a team character (if not necessarily a team player).

Pfft Batman did that in 60's (and a marching band).

I read that in Stan’s voice.

Stan created Magneto, but I think the depth and nuance comes from Chris Claremont.