
Hey space dementia is a serious illness, a friend of mine had it.

I’d still take Out of Sight over it. In my (minority) opinion TBL is a bit overrated.

I liked Armageddon. It’s one of my favourite films of 1998.

Scans through list.

Booker and Jackie 4eva

Unpopular opinion alert: The first 4 seasons were quite good. Things went to pot when all the guys (bar Raj......for now) got girlfriends-then-wives.

The soundtrack is dope, probably the last decent 90's hip hop soundtrack I remember buying.

Wasn’t the elder Kennedy supposed to the chosen one. If he’d survived imagine how 20th Century politics would have turned out. Jack and Bobby would have had nepotism jobs in Government (assuming Joe senior had made Joe jr run for office).

Ghetto Superstar video sort of did, though more of a Mission Impossible face mask reveal thing.

I love Bulworth, totally on board with what Beatty was trying to say about politics at the time (even if I’m black due from the other side of The Pond). Halle Berry is great in this and probably her best role since Jungle Fever (though I have a soft spot for her Sharon Stone in The Fiintstones).

Narrator: They were both wrong choices.

“Tony almost becomes an alcoholic before pulling himself together to defeat comedy Russian accented Micky Rourke.”

They should have used Enchantress in The Dark World, though that might have meant us not getting Hela in Ragnarok.

The worst thing about Malekith was the stupid elvish language that he spoke throughout the film. What worked for Alan Taylor in GoT failed miserably in The Dark World.

Kenneth Branagh’s make up department has failed this city!

She just wanted a chance to ‘accidentally’ grab Thor’s chest. Subtle, very subtle lady.

She could have been MCU’s Rick Jones, but I sadly doubt we’ll ever see her again.

That Dr Doom fella wasn’t so bad, he was quite charming as it were.

Ah that brings back memories of my fellow Marvel fans raging in Wizard magazine about Supes beating Thor. “He’s got magic, that’s Superman’s weakness. You’re totally underestimating how strong Thor is etc etc.”

Good episode, especially Issa’s day dream rant bit.