
Heck knows where Cecile is, though at least she got a passing reference this week.

I didn’t mean to imply that it would offset previous issues, I’m not actually sure what would tbh.

Cool tip.

Cleveland is bland and dull in FG, which seems to be a good joke. I don’t see any stereotype with him that upsets me as a black man.

How do you gauge what someone can or can’t be offended by? Expecting people to ‘get some thicker skin’ isn’t a standard metric that can be applied to all people.

There isn’t one single solution, certainly just replacing Hank won’t make all the bad connotations from previous Apu appearances any better.

What a sec, a planet previously controlled by Nazi’s is okay with same sex marriages?

As good/nice as it would be for Hank to step down from voicing Apu, that won’t do much to erase the existing 29 (geez that’s long) years of previous episodes.

Yeah Killmonger had a greater presence in Black Panther, but that didn’t mean BP wasn’t an interesting character in his film for me.

....with a final shot of all the MCU characters standing naked.

“Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to make sure.”

The best friendship moment in this episode is actually one that doesn’t happen: the fact that Boyle and Jake don’t mention that Rosa came out as bisexual. Even though Pimento is Rosa’s ex, it’s no one’s business but hers to let him know that one.

....but you Americans are so terrible at doing our British accents :p

It seems a bit flat if they’ve truly killed off Killer Frost, I’m banking on her return towards the end of season.

I liked the dick joke and also the weird thought process Cisco had about Harry in the shower.

Has The Waitress been in sporadically to set up the downfall of The Thinker, or to set up a new season? (Maybe the Waitress is... Future Thinker, trying to stop himself!)

Ralph is about as dead as Jean Grey is.

it’d be like if everyone split up to fight the Thinker and then Harry’s big plan was to run off to another room and snort a shitload of coke.

Assuming the episode order is still 23, then five more episode. Which gives us enough time to find out what DeVoe’s ‘super secret really important’ masterplan is. 18 episode and the writers have given us nothing.

There’s no greater hypocrite than a superhero hypocrite.