
I will take your word for it, as I avoided anything to do with that film :p

Counterpoint - the music from those soundtracks is great.

With the exception of 'Earned It', I know and love all of these songs.

A Welshman and a Scotsman go into a bar, but they're missing an Englishman.

So that's why the marriage failed, Anna didn't have time for his tricks.


Talk about flogging a dead horse. Give it up already Fox.

Please tell me this is true, nothing can be as bad as the last one.

I can only speak from being a fan (for my sins) of Glee, but Murphy gets bored easily or just stops caring about following through storylines. The second season bullying arc made no sense post Kurt leaving McKinley. Even while he was still there it was 50/50.

I think the stunt was too far and got away from him.

I don't know much/anything about False Face tbh, it just seemed like he was a substitute for the more interesting Two-Face.

I assumed they couldn't do Two-Face as he would have been too gruesome for 1960's tv. Which is also why I thought False Face was used on the show.

Thanks for the heads up.

You're the best thing.

That group shoot is all kinds of goofy looking.

I loved Luke Cage, it worked for me. Even allowing for losing Cottonmouth around the midway point, the show still held my interest.

I think she was one of the stronger parts of season 2, so I respectfully disagree.

…but I'm a completest, I read comic books for goodness sakes :p

I'd like to know what Disney considers successful. AoS has been getting stronger storywise each season, but its ratings are slipping. Agent Carter was well received by critics, but didn't find an audience. I love(d) both shows and if I were running the network they'd run for as long as creative narrative warranted. I

Considering Jessica is a PI, it would have been good to have had a few completely non Kilgrave related cases for her to deal with.