
Matt Damon should have been movie Daredevil.

We can make do with her grand daughter, who looks exactly like her.

I keep saying this. The invisible plane is totally in the film, how else did they get to mainland so quickly?

The fight scenes are okay, can't say they are particularly memorable.

I can't believe I never noticed that. Black Widow's various hairstyles really stand out, which I guess distracted from all the other changes to rest of the Avengers.

You say that like it means something in MCU.

As aside, he's actually quite good in the film.

I think it's some sort of reoccurring joke in that Black Widow never has the same hairstyle in consecutive film appearances.


It helps that the film is set before the events of Pearl Harbour.

I've not seen all Nolan films, but I like it a hell of a lot more than TDKR

"Just because I can give multiple orgasms to the furniture just by sitting on it doesn't mean I'm not sick of this damned war; the mud, the noise, the endless poetry"

Don't tell Michael Gove that, he feels it's blame for us Brits having a bad opinion of the 'great war'.

He can be two things.

Are we talking about heroin or MCU films?

The film isn't anything special, it barely made a dent in the UK box office when it opened a few months back.

….or the drinks cup.

[Odinson enters the bar]

What does the 'n' stand for?

Long live Spitfire and the Troubleshooters.