
I'm annoyed that Marvel's most consistent solo comic that centred on a female character, She-Hulk, isn't anywhere close to getting her film.

Hmm the impression I got from early reviews and some of the later ones was that was exactly how people felt. I was under the impression there was a 50/50 split that felt either Steve or Tony were in the wrong.

"The only winning move is not to play."

Weirdly I think that's something to do with German laws about not showing any sort of Nazi emblems on film.

I don't get the linking of Trump and films made by a rival film studio to Warner Bros. Neither Disney or Warner Bros have any issue with each other and both respect each others products (bar the odd RDj or Jason Momoa comment).

Did somebody say "Wonder"?

Hey now!

I think I was expecting something akin to Housesitter, which is a 90's comedy but whatever, and was a bit underwhelmed.

Zootopia/ropolis and Paul are okay, though technically the first one is a cartoon and probably shouldn't count.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as funny as I was expecting with those two as the leads.


Ha! You said Eleven.

Upvoted for the Ari Stidham reference.

Oh wow, somehow I missed this.

Makes more sense than Cyborg Superman, so I'll allow it.

Some flashbacks worked a lot better than other (season 2 for instance), but I will miss them.

I think it was, the team had never previously been given a proper title as far as I can remember.

Barrowman is not returning however - shame if that's the case. I know Malcolm kept being inserted into plots that he didn't need to be in, but I will miss him.

Aw man, that's ruined the film for me.

"War is hell."