
Watch any of the episodes with Craig Robinson in, they're golden and it gives you a quick insight into how the 99 works.

I'm starting to get confused as to where this Savitar sits in the timeline.

It's a metaphor for life….or some such rubbish.

Yeah cool (ha!) as it was to see, that's Bobby Drake's move.

I'm not sure that the analogy made proper sense, unless Tracy creates the suit that protects Savitar from the Speed Force?

I've skimmed through the current comic book version that seems slightly in that genre.

That 2003 revival was really good, shame it didn't find an audience.

Just make a live action version of the cartoon, which is nowhere near as bad as an 80's cash-in/sell merchandise cartoon should be.

note: do NOT look up "Kris Evans" on your work computer

What makes you think it won't be?


He'll always be Calvin from Hollyoaks to me.

Xander is me…..if I was white……had one eye…..and my girlfriend was a demon.

I like Curtis, but his jokey quips this episode felt very out of place.

Because reasons!

We await the casting of super hacker with interest.

Just realised no flashbacks this week and it didn't feel odd.

In defence of how Black Widow was used in AoU, Scarlett was pregnant during the making of the film. This had an effect on how their could use her, though that shouldn't excuse the pointless (IMO) pairing off with Banner.

I'm pretty sure Gemma destroyed LMD Fitz, at least that's the way it seemed when she was pummelling him/it.

Thanks Oprah.