
Nikolaj - pee boy!

Me too, I thought they were referring to Die Hard 4.0 (as us Brits call it).

I've never had a problem with Brett, heck I 'like' the various incarnations of Ward.

Unless it was announced that Chelsea was leaving B99, there was no chance that Gina was being killed off.

I think Jake, Amy and you are saying Jeremy Irons wrong.

No I don't think so, I think she was showing (rare) concern for a work colleague.

We've been waiting three months goddammit - name of AVC sex tape


Wait are you telling me he sold those loaves and didn't give them away free.

Augusta has the Amen Corner, is that close enough?

Labour - yes
Lib Dems - are back to their pre-Ashdown days of irrelevance
SNP - rule the roost in Scotland, but don't have the complete power they need/want
Plaid Cmyru - want to ape SNP
Other parties - seem single issue led to me.

What was the point of that War of Independence if you're just gonna follow what we do anyway?

Wait till they bring their pet chipmunksā€¦.

*Richard & Mary Parker just sit the patiently*

Counter point - everyone who's played Batman since 1966 has been quite good.

Listening to BET apparently.

By and large I thought Webb's first film was better than Raimi's first film, but the rehash of origin story meant it felt flat.

That was actually fun, seems like it softened Zep up letting others use their music.

Return of the King?

Harking back to the mixed/geneally good JLA/Avengers mini series, I did like that Grandmaster's ultimate plan was to experience death.