
Wee Jock Poo-Pong McPlop from Blackadder Goes Forth

They're really stretching out the wafer thin mints.

"It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. Now let me help you out of that dress"

Third and final series has just started. Due to the way the original story panned out, it pretty hard to stretch the premise any further.

The new series has just started and I've not seen either episode.

Picard and Riker.

Hmm I dunno .

Footage or it never happened.

Evil Rip was fun, shame he couldn't stick around while being on Legends team.


You're forgetting the time Lois turned herself black, which I really wish was a joke.

"No I'm Mr Jolly, you want Mr Jelly."

Nope, count me in as a Psychoville fan.

Usher: Bride or Groom?
Joe: Erm…..it's complicated.
Usher: Just stand in the middle of the aisle.

My concern for AoS is the switch in time slots and Marvel's generally rubbish attitude to promoting/mentioning the show and its characters in the wider MCU.

Maybe Barry disappears into the Speed Force a few years early, as told in a article by singleton Iris West?

So what you're saying is that Tommy Merlyn is Savitar?

We really should have got the message by now, but Barry really really isn't the fastest man alive.

In Iris's defence she thought Barry was popping the question because it was what he wanted to do and had been building up to it. The whole "I'll try this tactic as it'll screw up the future" is a bit iffy at best (and insulting to the person who you love).

That had to be stupidest thing said in this show, which is saying something.