
They managed to get Hugh Jackman's face in Deadpool, thereby keeping his record of appearances in all X-Men related films intact.

There are no stupid musings, merely points that have yet to disproved.

His adamant belief that Kara will be won over by Mxy is the equivalent of assuming an unsolicited dick pic is going to lure your girlfriend away from you.

With Savitar and Prometheus.

Sorry clone Thor has just killed him, just to show how serious this is.

"This is insane? You know what's insane? That the actor is named Wesley Snipes! If you were shown a picture of him and a picture of me, and were asked "who should be named Wesley Snipes", you'd pick the pale Englishman every time! Every time, Liz!"

Spot slightly waits his turn.

But some of his weaker teen movies, like Ferris Bueller…..

I think that's my issue with it too. It's not bad per se, but I don't find it that funny (bar the end argument with Bill Nighy's exasperated alien).

Kathy Bates.

Oh right, in my head I just assumed it was like being sacked from your job.

I believe in the 70's & 80's some shows (mainly sitcoms) would do an 'issues' episode that would cover a very serious topic like drugs, alcoholism etc.

In a Glee special interest episode, it comes off as jarring.

Erm she doesn't have the same DNA that Lionel, Lex or Lena have.

Clearly Artemis is taking her mandatory holiday time, which was written in her 'betraying your friends' contract.

Hopefully that's the start of better film choices by Mr Johnson.

Is there any chance that Arrow's Vigilante will have a different alter ego than the comic book version?

Together yes, apart not so much. I like Paul just about, but it's nowhere near as good as the first two Cornetto films.

I'm starting sense a theme with Ryan Murphy shows.

I suppose you could take that view, if Curtis was a gun owner.