
Us Londoners are a funny bunch.

"Jar Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like f**king Shaft!"

Jerry Maguire and Rain Man are the best things I've seen him in (never seen Magnolia).

I'd even place it just above Superman III, which has tonal problems for me. Some good comedy and a great 'good vs bad' Supes battle. However Richard Pryor is coasting, Robert Vaughn is poor substitute for Gene Hackman and the non-Brainiac super computer thing was not interesting.

Exactly! Brandon does a very good impression of Christopher Reeves playing Superman, instead of just being allowed to be Superman.

I'm totally on George's side regarding being miffed about Sulu being gay. I get the nice intentions behind it, but it did come across as "well George is gay, why don't we make Sulu gay too?".

What would be the weirder fight?

Nope sorry Halle Berry has ONLY played Storm

Ironically not for that James Rhodes though.

Ah the more innocent sub-stalkerish early days of Ray Palmer.

She's too busy betraying the team with Prometheus.

Even when they're not real they are still grade A @rseholes.

I got the reference in two ways.

"To be honest, I've never even seen the inside of a public blimp."

Go on….

Were those people George Takei?


Of course they did, this is Amy we're talking about here.

It is if you look at the right polls.

Yeah I'm not sure I could watch a four hour crossover. I don't mind the limited appearance of Barry and Cisco.