
Pimento. P.I. needs to happen, like yesterday.

Does Iris still work at the newspaper?

Hey guys I think I've found another one of Savitar's acolytes.

Is that real world 18 or Dawson's Creek?

Julian the self righteous hypocrite!

Challenge accepted!

Exactly how many Barry's are there on the night his mum died.

I jokingly suggested Barry up thread, now I'm starting to think I might actually be correct.

I like Claremont's confusing over whatever the hell has happened in X-Verse since Xorn existed. I stopped reading X-Men comics around then, in fact probably just before.

Weirdly on an SHIELD Helicarrier.

At least DC makes money with their movies, plus they generally get Batman right.

impractical science-fiction assassination attempts

Apparently the basic version of science explorers who bicker like a regular family isn't something that would work in modern day.

Needs all caps to make it more Victor-like.

Green Goblin - okay maybe rest him for a while
Sphinx - with a bit of work
Doctor Octopus
An actual Mandarin
Masters of Evil
Communist Red Skull - which would tie into Spidey's parents

He would be the best world leader, as evidenced by Emperor Doom.

Fox is doing an okay job with X-Men even if the timelines don't make any sense anymore.

You're supposed to put your shades on after saying that.

Tony or Steve, as they were the real villains in Civil War.

Barty Crouch would like a word too.