
Depends on whether it's a twin set with Luke Cage, so they can act out special scenes from Alias #1.

MCU don't own the rights to Dr Doom or Magneto, their two biggest villains, who they would use 100x better in the first instance and probably about the same in the second.

Do you need a boost?

You didn't like 'The Gold Watch' stuff?

Nonso Anozie is who I want as M'Baka/Man-Ape, but if it's Jordan than so be it.

isn't Jamie the lead though?

Good day sir!

I still think Leo should have won for that role. I've no idea how the Academy came out of that film think Waltz gave the best supporting performance out the three of them.

I think the list is probably flawed anyway, as Sam has worked with practically everybody.

It's a pretty good film, that's at least one hour too long. Did we need that 45 minute section before they get to the cabin?.

Until the Netflix show happened, I was holding out hope for Tarantino directed Luke Cage movie.

Unless Fox wants to do a proper Generation X film or tv series the most we'd get to see of him is a blink and you'll miss it cameo.

or her twin Gabrielle Union.

I suppose they could use Synch and pretend he's an Inhuman or something other than a mutant.

I hated that they were used as fodder for that series. Mark Millar sucks in my view.

That would have been the simplest solution, so obviously the writers ignored that.

"Okay I guess. Do you have any advice for hitting my head on spaceship walls?"

Leia Snart?

The best thing to come out of the CSI franchise was David Caruso's slow….deliberate…..speaking.

Great that means we still have Boat Trip phase to look forward to.