
Crosby has 6 career fights. Ovie has 3... Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there’s that

73 sold it pretty good too. Runs to goalie, gets dummied, tries to keep throwing after the ref breaks it up, gets man handled by said old man ref, gets hit, takes a second to realize it, then goes down.

Someone with photoshop skills show us a bro version!!

Only a low blow if he knew that prior. But by all means, play the victim on the Internet

I thought that about the the kc/ Houston game until I watched this one

That's gotta be one of if not the hardest schedule in Motorsport

They need to work on their high tens. Just embarrassing stuff at the 33 second mark

or don't be a scum bag...

sooooo fiesta RS??

did i just see plaid seats?

kick rocks

my favorite vacuum. take that dyson

the man was busy, according to the FBI's sex tapes

00:47 seconds. go die. even the chick displayed bigger balls then you. i really hope this asshat goes to jail. but if not, and someone knows how to find him, i would like to invite him to an mma style fight. money goes to a charity of his choice. no set rounds, just me vs you until one of us doesn't get up.

the new must haves in mountain biking are 10 or 11 speeds. single chain ring up front, with a ten or, for a large some of money, 11 speed cassette out back

a raptor and a yeti. have fun getting to the trailhead, demolish the trail, have fun going home. nice setup

that would be awesome, or like a test and tune type thing. we need the MKVII GTI as well. I love the R, but i also love a nice FWD turbo hatch

haven't played since 4 and i'm obviously a subaru fan boy but

then buy a fucking prius. can we revoke a jalop card?