
it’s not the speed that kills you, it’s the sudden stop

It makes no difference where you pay, if you pay with a swipe and they’re in the POS system, your info is gone.  Articles like this annoy me.

Yes, its good when prominent authors get together to attack a no name grad student because they can’t take criticism, actually.

I was thinking, ‘Well now we know why 14 year olds identify with her writing so much’.

Fuck this shit.

Although one of them has been equipped with a modest military base, the real purpose of the manmade (or at least man-expanded) islands isn’t to be military useful or sustainably inhabitable. Their purpose is to be Chinese.

They can SAY that the Marines will be flying off of Japan’s carriers first because Japan’s F-35s won’t be ready yet, but we all know that this is just about America claiming jus primae noctis, right?

So after decades of defending itself without carriers, how did this happen? The one-word answer:

If you ever encounter someone on the internet that is claiming outrage on behalf of someone else, it is not something you should take seriously. 

I think this is one of those times where it is okay to be offended, but maybe keep a check on the level of outrage. Otherwise you can start a chain reaction and eventually the whole thing explodes over social media, and you could be left dealing with the fallout for years. 

They were homophobic.  All I need.

This is the most correct answer. Frequent updates that you control as a parent, since the kid has no concept of 60 seconds.
Any time you do “X more times”, well all of a sudden it takes the kid 10 minutes to climb up the steps or jump in the pool. They’re too smart for that.

I’ve always had great success with the “5 more minutes” (or “Oscar Mike in 5" as they came to know it), but the key was they got an update every minute.
The beauty of this was that this “5-minute countdown could take 5 minutes, or it could be done in 2. As long as they got a countdown, “minutes” could go by as quickly

But Hillary and Trump are the same. That’s why I voted for Jill Stein/stayed home on election day when Bernie wasn’t on the ballot.  That’ll teach you.

Well, Penny Arcade was close...

Seriously? They couldn’t even stick to a one-month ban?

A Kardashian appropriating a culture they’re not part of to generate further profit for a family “brand” that is based solely on being famous because they’re famous?

...this is my shocked face.

One day, I will understand why this family continues to be a thing. I can understand people appreciating Kanye’s music (it’s

My girlfriend on long car trips loves to play the “Name all 32 NFL teams”-game.

Deliberately creating a sense of despair in an article dealing with the death of an actual human being is not a matter of “opinion.” It’s being an opportunistic asshole solely for the sake of being an asshole.

This idea that “all opinions are equally valid” is the sort of myopic horseshit I see far too often in my

I think you might have the wrong article.