You’re outta luck. I offered about tree fiddy.
You’re outta luck. I offered about tree fiddy.
He abused authority, he shouldn’t be given a position of authority again. The fact that you’re pretending this is a really complex or confusing idea says a lot about YOU.
I make enough money. I don’t feel like I need more money. I’m happy to pay my taxes.
This is the stream that never ends
It just goes on and on, my friend
Somebody started streaming it not knowing what it was
And now he keeps on streaming it forever just because...
When will companies learn that you...cannot ever stop people from making porn of your characters? Or cosplay? Or fanfiction? Or fanart, just in general?
Listen buddy, I saw a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the shelf at a game shop years ago. I didn’t buy it but let me tell you, looking at the cover picture taught me a lot about the legals and the briefs, so I think I’m qualified to say that this is a clear-cut win for the claim-man against the bad-team, for a…
Yeaaaah, except I really didn’t agree with you at all though, did I.
Re: Fallout 76's post-release development:
One of the side effects of being a young country is that we are an incredibly insecure country. In so many ways our national character is that of a hormonally imbalanced high school freshman who is unsure of its identity, desperate to be liked and accepted, and quick to lash out at any perceived slight. You see it in…
To all of the people that say removing statues of historical people is bad, I say to them...”America is a young country and if it loses a statue, a new one will be gained as time and society mores marches on.” All one has to do is look at some other country that is much older like Rome, Greece or any other European…
Yeah, all this just sounds like boilerplate third wave feminism.
Let’s be clear about who the spoiler is: Sarah Palin. It’s Sarah Palin.
yes, because trying to make sure every person in the country can see a doctor, get their prescriptions filled, and not go bankrupt is sociopathy.
Hey remember when Joe didn’t only vote for the Iraq war, but ENTHUSIASTICALLY pushed for it?
This is hilarious considering Warren can’t even be bothered to give an endorsement. So much for grace in defeat.
Jokes on the coronavirus - I didn’t even check my balance, so like Schrodinger’s 401k, it neither lost value nor gained.
So basically Mighty Ducks, but basketball?
The fact that Warren supporters are apparently flocking in droves to moderates like Pete and Amy shows they were never “in this fight” for the right reasons.
All those unfortunate richies... it’s like Prospero’s masque all over again. They couldn’t even hide from the plague in their fancy French restaurant.