
If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.

Nah most NFL owners are Pieces of Crap.

Of course Mr. Khan’s life story of moving to the US at the ripe age of 16 to attend the University of Illinois and working his ass off to become a billionaire is nothing compared to the inspiring story of Donny 2 Scoops....but impressive nevertheless. 

I’m sorry, I just don’t see how kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful. In fact, I think it’s the perfect way to bring awareness of how the freedom that the brave men and women in the armed forces fight for is not equally distributed to the American citizens back home, without disrespecting those people. I have

No, lots of Packers’ owners are unable to stand by kickoff

Now? After everything so far, NOW is when you first have the idea?!

This motherfucker right here....

Bills are poised to take the lead in the afc east ...


After reading about how Randolph was treated, and his lawsuit, Betsy DeVos got angry and issued a new nationwide ban on college athletes having access to their medical records, saying, “If Mr. Randolph had never known about his earlier MRI, none of this would’ve happened. If they are never told they’re injured, then

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

They should have just stuck to sports

Good thing Goodell wasn’t commissioner. That kind of blatant uniform violation cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

I don’t even know why he’s DMing her. Everybody knows he’s a catcher.

Retired, already? Some people are just in it for the money and not the art I guess.

Broken axles are no joke, man. It happened to me once in Eastern Oregon.

The cracked axle is probably just ketchup.

Wow, 2 rolls of Brawny and some single-ply toilet paper. Someone tell FEMA they’re not needed.

It’s not commendable. It’s incompetent. If I go collect a bunch of popsicles on 7th Avenue and tell people I’m going to drive their contributed popsicles to Houston in a 1996 Camry, that’s not commendable, either. Schilling’s an imbecile. He just wants to be on the radio and tell people he’s in Houston.

If you’re curious as to why a good majority of Americans don’t care about soccer, look at the reaction of the guy in blue on the ground as if he has been shot both before and after he weakly falls.

While his points have merit, I question his motives. Removing all statues from Memphis seems like it’s just a sneaky way to get out of paying Chandler Parson’s contract.