
Ok, so if you are ever dying of hunger and someone offers you food, just remember you have the choice to stave and die.

How about Phil's choice? He had none then, and knowing that he went along with her sham marriage. However, when other women showed up shouldn't he have had his choice?

Really? So you are saying that if a more attractive person comes along and takes your partner, it's ok because "It was bound to happen anyway?", yeah highly disagree.

Really? How is it morally wrong to lure somebody into an unwanted marriage with sex? Really?

They never had time too, they were like Old Phil was early on, but they never escalated, because New Phil went with Carol super quick. We will never know if they would have escalated or not now most likely.

Umm, yes they are. They are throwing gifts at him left and right of all kinds and talking themselves up at every turn. Even Carol (who granted was at least being herself) was throwing gifts at New Phil, and then has sex with him after a couple of days with no strings attached.

First David, you don't know me, so don't presume to and play my psychologist to boot.

So it's ok for her to trap Tandy in a Marriage he clearly never wanted by using sex as the prize, and lying about how it was actually her morals were the reason she wanted them to be married first?

Women wanting sex is one thing, everybody wants sex for the most part, it's human nature. Women throwing themselves at a dude the way a hungry dog throws themselves at a steak is another thing IMO.

Being in a relationship is in part about compromise, even though she knows Todd was was having trouble trusting her around new phil she still went behind his back and hung out alone with him. That shows a lack of any sort of giving a shit about Todd's feelings or their relationship, it's a self-centered move.

Yup, that is what it is, but the thing is nobody is doing is calling the women out for them obviously twisting the truth in their pursuit of New Phil. So, the show makes out like it's ok for them, but if a man did that Melissa would probably condemn them for it and they would have something horrible happen to them.

Agreed, self-centered too.

Todd has low self-esteem, Melissa not saying I love you to him really made him question what he means to her (rightfully so). You mix that with the fact that a new extremely good looking guy comes to town and he feels threatened.

I honestly found them being happy for Carol extremely unrealistic. However I agree they need to do SOMETHING on this damn show that is not about fucking already.

Agreed about Melissa, she shows no emotion to anybody, even when she is supposed to be trying to (which is very little) she comes off super fake. She gave no shits about Todd, did nothing to try and compromise in their "Relationship" at all. Relationships are about compromise, she should have understood why Todd would

I think of him as Jimmy/Saul's friend on 'Better Call Saul' myself.

Yeah, but that does not really help the storyline of the show. If he was gay it would have flipped the script on the women, now he's just made a big plot hole.

Was hoping so too, it would have a been a great way to turn the tables on the women and have them feel the same "Why can't I be with who I want?" feeling Original Phil has had all show. Instead we have Carol turn into a whore after being all super "We have to get married" just weeks before, making an unrealistic and

Now you know why I think this show is written by a Feminist Hypocrite.

I hate how this show has the typical "It's ok for a woman to be a thirsty whore that throws herself at good looking guys" crap, while also condemning a guy for being the same way. It's like this show is written a by feminist hypocrite of the highest order.