
It's my hope, since they are making Phil having sex one time such a big thing, I hope when he finally does it's a "milestone" and a turning point and we can move on to something better.

You don't wait on people hand and foot for fun. *sigh* I have talked enough about this already, if you don't agree fine, agree to disagree.

Yeah I do, people are animals, all animals are geared to want sex, these people have not seen other people for what seems like forever. The world might as well have been solitary prison, the urge for sex in going to build and build and cloud judgement.

Yeah, because you reading my comments about a TV show allows you to know everything about me, judge me, and comment on my personal life which you know nothing about.

I already explained it in my other posts, I really don't feel like going over it again. I agree to disagree.

She should have been more up front with him about what their relationship was and was not before he started worshipping her and clearly becoming too attached.

He was not attracted to Carol, in fact even though she was the last women on earth she repulsed him. He laid there and she just did what she wanted with him.

You said I have issue "with women", others have said I have issues with Melissa the Character (which is true, I don't like her). Big difference, you don't even know me.

It would have been better if she told him that they should "slow down" when she saw him getting overly attached, she allowed him to worship her, cooking for her, cutting her hair, ect. She should have made sure he knew that was not needed and that they were just sex buddies.

He is not a cheater, Carol used her leverage as the only woman on earth at the time to trap him in a marriage he never wanted.

Oh your are SO funny.

You think it is too high of a standard, but it's one I always let somebody I don't really have feelings for know early that we are just having a good time and I have had girls do the same for me.

The thing is though by that point Phil who was just alone and who thinks he is hopelessly trapped in a horrible sort of forced marriage with Carol, then he sees two hot women come out of nowhere, and in his hopeless horniness makes a bad decision. I think after he had sex with them and his mind was clear he would have

She still led him on till that point though, and that was wrong and deceptive IMO.

Everybody starts out pretty good and gets progressively worse. This seems like it will be the theme of the show. It would suck if Todd became worse though, I was hoping that Phil (and even Melissa) would learn to be a better person from him, seems like the writers will just destroy him now though.

You are directly attcking me over a TV show. Nobody else has done that like you just did. Even if they had, it would not justify it.

Melissa led Todd on by not being up front with him when he clearly was falling hard for her and even worshiping her. A simple "let's slow down a bit" would have sent a easy message of "hey you might be feeling more then I am" and Todd could have adjusted his thoughts to just being happy for what his relationship

What else is their to be invested in this one dimensional show? I wish there was more.

Not really, she allowed him to worship her, spend time with her 24/7, cut her hair, make her food, she should have told him told slow down. I have done so in relationships, and had it done to me in others, it is always for the best.

Agreed, the show has become so one dimensional, and it's frustrating. I am glad we can agree on that at least. :)