
I already said she was not upfront with him when he clearly had fallen for her, at least to the point of saying "we should move a little slower".

My point is she should have been upfront about the relationship when she saw that Todd was becoming too attached. If it was just sex I have no problem with that, as long as somebody lets the other person know.

I was just going off of your…

Wow, way to attack me for no reason. I don't agree with your view point so "I have issues with women". Did I personally attack you over a TV show?

She is having Todd make her pancakes every morning, having him cut her hair, ect.

Nobody is a Paragon of virtue on this show, which is why they should cut Phil some slack.

The writers doing, I am talking about my mistrust for the writers above, since this show is so one dimensional.

Every problem of the show has happened because of the writers writing it that way, and it has often been painful to watch. This is one of those shows why I don't know why I keep watch it sometimes, those are shows where I don't trust the writing most of the time.

I am not going to try and guess where they go with stuff, I am just calling it for what it is so far.

I honestly did not even know what those terms were until I google searched it just now, so no. If Melissa was a man and Phil was a woman, and this whole situation were reversed I would still hate the one being the hypocrite, regardless of gender.

And breaking Todd's heart in the process because she led him on this long instead of being up front about what their "relationship" was about.

She also never told him that their relationship was strictly physical, even though he clearly was getting attached and falling in love with her. That is how she led him on.

When did I can her a bitch? Self-centered & hypocritical, yes. I never said Phil was a "Good person" either, he is also self-centered.

Yeah and watch the amazing (and I hope you can detect that sarcasm since you are a sarcasm detector and all) writers of this show drive us down that trainwreck of a story arc.

When has she ever lied or misrepresented herself? She led Todd on for sex and attention. It would be funny if somebody called her out for that the way she endlessly finds it's her place to call Phil out on his mistakes.

You just said yourself:

And you apparently don't get that women can be just as manipulative and self-serving as men can. Melissa used Todd for sex and attention, she manipulated him for sex and attention. She is no better then Phil, she is just more lucky.

She is a hypocrite plain and simple. She led Todd on to use him for sex and attention. She has no right to judge Phil who is just trying to do whatever it takes to get some sex and attention too.

Indeed, it's also now becoming more then just that too. Also, now it's becoming a show where everybody gets to have sex but Phil, which is even more annoying.

No, it's a TV show.