
Melissa has led Todd on just to get sex and attention, which is all Phil (hopefully New Phil dies and that Tandy situation will be fixed) has ever wanted was some sex and attention, so what makes her better exactly? Is it really so bad that Phil wanted to have sex with the first woman that came into his life since the

Just being honest, Mellisa has led Todd and used him for sex and attention, the exact thing Phil wants from one of the women (that he is attracted to).

She used Todd for sex and attention in the same way that Phil just wants sex and attention. She acts above him, but really she is no better, she is a hypocrite period. Does it make it better that she does not speak a lie, even though she is clearly living one with Todd?

You get what I am talking about, she kicks Phil while he is down constantly, she has no remorse for him whatsoever. She is no better then him in reality though, she came to town and said herself she is horny as hell, and yet she has no remorse for Phil even though he is just feeling the same way?

I honestly hope New Phil dies in some way and none of the Chicks get to have sex with him and then after they all understand Phil (the REAL Phil) better and finally cut him some slack and at least one of them (and not Carol) have sex with him.